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929 results found

KMBC Primary Schools

Location of Primary Schools located within the Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Area

Primary Holiday Areas

The main identifiable holiday accommodation areas within which further losses of hotel development for purposes other than tourism accommodation will be resisted. Areas are recorded as polygons

Primary Shopping Area

Defined as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan 2003. South Norfolk is creator of this data and it is reviewed and updated as part of the Local Plan process. Government Planning Policy Note PPG6...

Primary gritting routes

Dataset showing main primary gritting routes in Leeds. Includes information of starting and end points and ward locations. Automated update ---------------- * This dataset is updated...

Primary School Attendance

A data set which shows the number of sessions attended at primary schools in Leeds by LSOA and overall attendance. A session is half a day. As a result of school closures due to the Covid-19...

Primary school allocations

This dataset shows the priority cut off distances for all primary schools that either follows the LA Admissions Policy because they are a Community Controlled School or are their own admitting...

Primary Shopping Areas

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). Designated as Policy IE6 & IE13, this dataset shows the Primary Shopping areas. The Runnymede Local Plan...

Primary Schools' Location

Primary Schools' Location in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

Primary School Catchments

Catchment areas for primary schools in York. For further information about primary school catchment areas please visit the [City of York Council...

Primary Grit Roads

Primary Grit Priority Roads for Lewisham Borough

Hackney Primary Schools

Primary Schools in Hackney. The dataset was created using coordinates from Hackney Code Point (OS) from the postcodes as some schools were slightly offset and have been amended manually using...

Primary School Catchments

Boundaries of Primary School catchment areas in Aberdeen. (Non-Denominational)

Camden Air Quality Conference 2016 | 2nd November 2016

Camden Air Quality Conference 2016 | 2nd November 2016

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

NI 055 Obesity in primary school age children in Reception

Percentage of primary school age children in Reception Year who are obese, with height and weight recorded. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor...

NI 055 - Obesity in primary school age children in Reception

Percentage of primary school age children in Reception Year who are obese, with height and weight recorded.

NI 052a - Take up of school lunches - Primary School

Percentage of pupils on the school roll who eat a lunch at school that is provided by the school or local authority (including those in receipt of a free school meal).

Payments to suppliers with a value over £25k from Solihull Primary Care Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Solihull Primary Care Trust, as part of the Govenrment's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Primary Schools

Location of Primary Schools within North Ayrshire, both non-denominational and Roman Catholic

General Medical Practices - by Primary Care Organisation

GP Practices making up each Clinical Commissioning Group, Care Trust, Local Health Boards in Wales (or old style Primary Care Group for closed GP Practices). Contains: A mapping of GP...