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Number of DBS checks issued for all Registered Bodies for 2011, 2012 and 2013

Data includes the total number of checks issued for all Registered Bodies for 2011, 2012 and 2013 to date. The information is also broken down to show the number of these checks which were for...

Child and Working Tax Credit (CTC) and (WTC) and children in out of work household geographical analysis for Local Authorities

This data provides bi-annual analysis of the number of children and families receiving Child Tax Credit (CTC) or working Tax Credit (WTC) and whether they are in out of work households. This data...

NHS Health Check quarterly statistics

Number of NHS Health Checks offered and uptake each quarter, for the year to date and over five years April 2013-March 2018 Source agency: Public Health England Designation: Official Statistics...

CRB checks processed for local authorities

The number of CRB checks processed for local authority bodies in the year of 2011 (Jan-Dec inclusive).

Exercises - File Checking and Rank Exercise

Details of claim checks and reviews

Intensified Official Controls

The Intensified Official Control (IOC) check system is intended to improve the safety of imported foods into GB. IOC checks are applied when import checks already undertaken show that legislation...

Patient experience of GP out-of-hours services (NHSOF 4a.ii)

This indicator measures the weighted percentage of people who report their overall experience of GP out-of-hours services as ‘fairly good’ or ‘very good’. Purpose This indicator aims to capture...

Patient experience of GP out-of-hours services (CCGOIS 4.1)

Patient experience of GP out-of-hours services, measured by scoring the results of one question from the GP Patient Survey. Current version updated: Sep-15 Next version due: TBC

Category 1 and 2 pollution incidents by source to air, land and water - 2010

Category 1 and 2 pollution incidents by source to air, land and water.

Warm Front Close Out Report

This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.

Total Cost of out of authority placements

Total Cost of out of authority placements *This indicator has been discontinued

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time

FOI (Freedom of Information) - % Out of time

FOI & EIR - Out of time - (YTD)

FOI & EIR - Out of time - (YTD)

Employment rate (%) (Rank out of 64)

Employment rate (%) (Rank out of 64)

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Out of time

FOI & EIR - % Out of time - (YTD)

FOI & EIR - % Out of time - (YTD)

London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report

This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2017 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report’. The data is provided for 221 town...

NI 049 - Number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties (excluding precautionary checks)

A primary fire is any fire involving property (including non-derelict vehicles) or casualties or involves 5 or more fire appliances. The indicator is defined in three parts: 1.Total number of...

NI 049 - Number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties (excluding precautionary checks)

A primary fire is any fire involving property (including non-derelict vehicles) or casualties or involves 5 or more fire appliances. The indicator is defined in three parts: 1.Total number of...

Umbrella Bodies currently registered with the DBS and number of checks requested January-June 2013

Umbrella Bodies currently registered with the DBS & No checks requested Jan-Jun 2013 - includes whether the application was submitted online or via paper route. Produced for an FoI request.