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194 results found

Annual Report of the Registrar General (Northern Ireland)

Finalised data for all births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and divorces along with population data for the year in question. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research...

Housebuilding starts per 1000 households

This data set gives annual figures for the number of house building starts per 1000 households. House building data are collected at local authority district level and are available on ODC...

East Riding of Yorkshire Landscape Character Assessmentv1

Although every attempt has been made to identify all such locations within the East Riding of Yorkshire there may be some that have been overlooked. This data is likely to be amended as part of an...

Species point records from 1985-87 Green north Skye sublittoral survey

At the request of Mr. A. Curry, NCC Officer responsible for the area including the Isle of Skye, the authors abstracted information from notes and photographs from dives from shore locations on...

Habitat point records from 1985-87 Green north Skye sublittoral survey

At the request of Mr. A. Curry, NCC Officer responsible for the area including the Isle of Skye, the authors abstracted information from notes and photographs from dives from shore locations on...

NHS Vacancy Statistics

Provisional experimental publication of NHS vacancy statistics created from administrative data related to published vacancy adverts obtained from NHS Jobs, the main recruitment website for the...

Otter Surveys 1977-2010

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA224. Four national otter surveys have been completed for England in 1977-79, 1984-86, 1991-94 and 2000-02. The fifth national otter survey of...

Population Estimates by Marital Status

Estimates of the usually resident population of England and Wales by marital status, single year of age and sex, excluding marriages abroad for mid-1991 to mid 2001. Source agency: Office for...

Housebuilding completions per 1000 households

This data set gives annual figures for the number of house building completions per 1000 households. House building data are collected at local authority district level and are available on ODC...

East Riding of Yorkshire Local Air Quality Monitoring Stationsv1

This is a point dataset showing the location of Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations within the East Riding of Yorkshire. Although every attempt has been made to identify all such locations within...

Domestic violence support documents and guidance

A dataset providing a set of information to help practitioners dealing with cases of domestic violence and abuse, including honour based violence and forced marriage. Included are leaflets for...

Scotland Otter Survey Database

As part of a scheme to monitor the distribution of otters throughout the UK, three Scotland otter survey have been carried out covering the years 1977-79, 1984-85 and 1991-94, funded by the Vincent...

Vital Events Reference Tables

Tables containing the number of vital events for the calendar year in eight sections: Summary; Adoptions and re-registrations; Births; Stillbirths and infant deaths; Deaths; Deaths by cause;...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Total

This data set contains 2012-based household projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’ household...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Population

This data contains household 2012 based population projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Total

This data set contains 2012-based household projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’ household...

Household projections, 1991-2037 (1000s), England, District, Population

This data contains household 2012 based population projections by district. The methodology for the 2012-based household projections was based upon the ‘2011-based interim’ and ‘2008-based’...

Wales Otter Survey Database

As part of a scheme to monitor the distribution of otters throughout the UK, four Welsh otter survey have been carried out covering the years 1977-78, 1984-85, 1991 and 2002 (funded by the Nature...

Five-year survival from breast, lung and colorectal cancer (NHSOF 1.4.iv)

A measure of the number of adults diagnosed with breast, lung or colorectal cancer in a year who are still alive five years after diagnosis. ONS still publish survival percentages for individual...

One-year survival from breast, lung and colorectal cancer (NHSOF 1.4.iii)

A measure of the number of adults diagnosed with breast, lung or colorectal cancer in a year who are still alive one year after diagnosis. ONS still publish survival percentages for individual...