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Marine Management Organisation Office Locations Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The shapefile shows the locations of MMO marine offices.

Marine Emergency Incidents notified to Marine Management Organisation (2015-2016)

This datasets is a summary of all Marine Emergency incidents notified to MMO from 2015 -2016 and detail of actions taken.

Marine Emergency Incidents notified to Marine Management Organisation (2014-2015)

This datasets is a summary of all Marine Emergency incidents notified to MMO from 2014 -2015 and detail of actions taken.

Marine Emergency Incidents notified to Marine Management Organisation (2013-2014)

This datasets is a summary of all Marine Emergency incidents notified to MMO from 2013 -2014 and detail of actions taken.

Marine Emergency Incidents notified to Marine Management Organisation (2011-2013)

This datasets is a summary of all Marine Emergency incidents notified to MMO from 2011 -2013 and detail of actions taken.

MMO1074 Summary of case studies using spatial approaches to manage fisheries

This dataset displays the relevant case studies used in MMO1074 "Scoping the opportunities and challenges to using a core fishing grounds approach to develop a spatial marine plan policy for fishing".

Marine Management Organisation East Plan modification pack consultation responses

This data is a record of the comments made in consultation with stakeholders on the East Marine Plan document and the action taken by the Marine Management Organisation.

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'

Local Veterinary Inspector Claims

The Local Veterinary Inspector (LVI) Claims system is a UNIX database which contains data relating to visits, primarily TB (tuberculosis) Tests, made on Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories...

Export refund claim files

data on export refund applications

Criminal Injuries Claims Overseas

Details of overseas criminal injuries claims

Compensation claims by compensator and type

Compensation claims made in year by compensator in relation to personal injury claims, with personal injury case type noted.

FGS Woodland Creation - Claims

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

FGS Tree Health - Claims

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

Information Management and Security Team Enquiry Log

This dataset is an abridged version of the Information Management and Security Team enquiry log. The log is used to record, track and report on all of the enquiries received by this team at the...

Accommodation Management Information System (Accommis) Database

Database holding data on HMRC & VOA properties including lease, minor occupiers, services, costs & environmental data. Used to manage HMRC's & VOA's estate, run and develop estates...

Workforce Management Information - Office of Rail Regulation

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Office of Rail Regulation. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants)...

Workforce management information (National Crime Agency)

Data showing the number of staff employed at different grades in the National Crime Agency.

Workforce Management Information - Food Standards Agency

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Food Standards Agency. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants)...