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National Careers Service satisfaction and progression survey

Data from a report that presents findings of a survey of National Careers Service (NCS) users. The research looked at customer satisfaction with the service and their progression after their...

Citizenship Survey: Identity and Values Topic Report

This report examines attitudes to immigration, values, identity and sense of belonging to Britain using findings from the Citizenship Survey. Source agency: Communities and Local...

OS Open Zoomstack

OS Open Zoomstack makes OS open data more accessible, customisable and easier to use. It provides a single, customisable map of Great Britain to be used at national and local levels. The data is...

Portable Antiquities and Treasure Report

This statistical release presents the number of finds of treasure and portable antiquities reported  and recorded through the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Source agency: Culture, Media and...

Motoring offences: persons found guilty

Total findings of guilt at all courts for motoring offences by police force area Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Geographies: Police Force Area Geographic...

Adults and the arts in Northern Ireland

This annual series of publications provides information on adults and their engagement with the arts. Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics...

HMRC Departmental Improvement Plan

This Departmental Improvement Plan sets out what is intended to deliver the long term health and success of the department. The Plan is based around the following critical themes of...

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a benefit that has started to replace six existing benefits. This database contains details of customers claiming Universal Credit through Pathfinder sites. The information...

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

This report presents findings from the carers’ module of the Continuous Household Survey (CHS), carried out over the year 1st April 2008 – 31st March 2009. The CHS provides a regular source of...

Factors that influence people to engage in culture and sport in Northern Ireland

This publication presents findings from the Omnibus Survey in relation to factors that encourage participation in sport; engagement with the arts; visiting libraries and visiting museums. Source...

Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey: First Results

This bulletin presents key findings from the third drug prevalence survey of households in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety (Northern...

Citizenship Survey: Race, Religion and Equalities Topic Report

This report explores views about racial and religious prejudice, perceptions of racial discrimination by public service organisations, and experiences of religious and employment-related...

Public Attitudes Tracker

This release provides headline findings from the Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT). The first wave was carried out in March 2012. The survey runs three times a year with a subset of questions being...

Analysis of MIlk Selling Arrangements on Dairy Farms in England 2008/09

This release lists some key findings from the report of a recent survey of milk selling arrangements by a sample of dairy farms in the Farm Business Survey in England. Source agency:...

Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey: HSSB Results

This bulletin presents key findings at a local level from the second drug prevalence survey of households in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public...

Adults and sport and physical activity in Northern Ireland

This annual series of publications provides information on adults aged 16 years and over and their participation in sport and physical activity. Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern...

Major Road Network

OS Open Roads Shapefile containing links pertaining to the Major Road Network, as created by the Department for Transport in 2018. See this dataset in an [Interactive...

Statistics on Deaths Reported to Coroners, England and Wales

The annual release presents statistics on the work of coroners in England and Wales. Data are obtained from manual statistical returns submitted by all coroners under the Coroners Act 1988. The...

Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Supplementary Tables: Nature of burglary, vehicle-related theft, bicycle theft, other household theft, personal and other theft, vandalism and violent crime

The tables are based on the findings from BCS interviews conducted in the 2009/10 financial year and give a picture of the nature of burglary, vehicle-related theft and violent crime. They also...

National Child Measurement Programme

This report summarises the key findings from the Government's National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for England, 2009/10 school year. The report provides high-level analysis of the prevalence...