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NI 125 Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

NI 057 Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

NI 142 Percentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living

Proportion of people who are supported to establish and maintain independent living. Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic coverage:...

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality Source: Placed-Based Survey Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary...

NI 142 - Percentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living

Proportion of people who are supported to establish and maintain independent living.

NI 125 - Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

NI 124 - People with a long-term condition supported to be independent and in control of their condition

The percentage of people with a long-term condition who are 'supported by people providing health and social care services to be independent and in control of their condition'.

NI 057 - Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

NI 023 - Perceptions that people in the area treat one another with respect and consideration

Encouraging local authorities and their partners to take action to promote strong communities with shared values where community members treat one another

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality.

Community Services Statistics for Children, Young People and Adults

NHS-funded Community Services for children and young people aged 18 years or under using data from the new Children and Young People's Health Services (CYPHS) data set reported in England. The...

Employment of people with long-term conditions (NHSOF 2.2)

The percentage point difference between the rate of employment in the general population of working age (16-64) and the rate of employment amongst adults of working age with a long-term...

Indicative Flood Risk Areas - People Sensitivity Grid

The Indicative Flood Risk Areas are primarily based on an aggregated 1km square grid Updated Flood Map for Surface Water (1 in 100 and 1000 annual probability rainfall), informally referred to as...

Indicative Flood Risk Areas - People Sensitivity by LLFA

The Indicative Flood Risk Areas are primarily based on an aggregated 1km square grid Updated Flood Map for Surface Water (1 in 100 and 1000 annual probability rainfall), informally referred to as...

People and Sport in Scotland

Information on participation in sporting activities, attendance at sporting events and factors that influence participation. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

People and Culture in Scotland

Information on participation in cultural activities, attendance at cultural events, volunteering, use of the internet and factors that influence participation. Source agency: Scottish...

Focus on Older People

Previous Older People’s Day publications have commented on the estimates of the very elderly and the interim life tables. In future these outputs will be accompanied by separate Statistical...

Characteristics of Older People

Reports describing the characteristics of the older population in England and Wales Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Focus on People and Migration

Describes the dynamics of the UK population. It includes information on changes in the age structure, population growth and the role of fertility and migration in driving population change. Source...

Young people in work

A short story explaining the characteristics of employed people aged 16 to 24. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...