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649 results found

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Health Score

Score for each LSOA in the Health Deprivation and Disability domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Education Score

Score for each LSOA in the Education, Skills and Training Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Crime Score

Deprivation score for each LSOA in the Crime domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from least...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Employment Score

Score for each LSOA in the Employment Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Environment Score

Score for each LSOA in the Living Environment Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked...

Index of Multiple Deprivation Rank, 2010

This dataset contains the main ranking for the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2010. This dataset puts the 32,482 LSOAs into a rank order based on their 2010 IMD score. A rank of 1 is the most...

Index of Multiple Deprivation Score, 2010

This dataset contains the scores underlying the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2010. These figures combine values of many indicators into a single score that indicates the overall level of...

Index of Multiple Deprivation Score, 2007

This dataset contains the scores underlying the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2007. These figures combine values of many indicators into a single score that indicates the overall level of...

Index of Multiple Deprivation Rank, 2007

This dataset contains the main ranking for the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2007. This dataset puts the 32,482 LSOAs into a rank order based on their 2007 IMD score. A rank of 1 is the most...

Energy Use on Farms; Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover the physical quantities of inputs used on farm as well as the extent of farming practices such as use of contractors, minimal tillage and ploughing of grassland. Source...

Understanding and addressing the biodiversity impact of controlling Phytophthora on heathland

Report (pdf) contains data in tables that can be used under Open Government Licence. 1.1. Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae are two fungus-like pathogens which affect a range of...


Polygon covering the extent of The Wychwood Project (Oxfordshire). A registered charity (No. 1084259) that uses the focus of the Royal hunting Forest of Wychwood to encourage local people to...

Camden Strategy On Provision Of Public Library Services 2011-2014

​Camden council decided to launch a consultation to allow the community to have an input in the decision making process around libraries and to help shape this strategy. The consultation...

GLA comments on DLUHC Levelling Up metrics

The GLA has conducted an analysis of the metrics accompanying the DLUHC White Paper on Levelling Up. Levelling up will not be achieved by levelling down because London has deep economic links with...

Transcripts on seasonal climate forecasts, indices and practices from farmers in Malawi, April-May 2019

The dataset provides transcripts from focus groups in Salima, Mangochi and Zomba (Malawi). The focus groups' discussions concern the monthly agricultural activities in association with the climate...

City Centre Quarters

Areas identified for regeneration focus. The City Centre has areas where specific uses cluster together or which have a particular character or identity. The Nottingham-Beeston canal is at the...

1974-1975 Dove Marine Laboratory Northumberland Benthos of a Marine Fly-Ash Dumping Ground

A comparison of sites on a gradient from natural to centre of fly ash tipping. With focus on the sediment composition, fraction of fly ash, and the meiofauna and macrofauna associated

1974-1975 Dove Marine Laboratory Northumberland Benthos of a Marine Fly-Ash Dumping Ground

A comparison of sites on a gradient from natural to centre of fly ash tipping. With focus on the sediment composition, fraction of fly ash, and the meiofauna and macrofauna associated

Seasonal agricultural calendars presenting activities per month for farmers in Malawi, April-May 2019

The dataset provides transcripts from focus groups in Salima, Mangochi and Zomba (Malawi). The focus groups' discussions focused on important monthly agricultural activities in association with the...

Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan

An Area Action Plan (AAP) is a Development Plan Document (DPD) that provides specific planning policy and guidance for an area where significant regeneration or investment needs to be managed. AAPs...