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Protected Zone Plots Additional GB 10K Grid 2015

Survey sites used to confirm the absence/presence of bark beetle species, Pinewood Nematode and Pitch Pine Canker. The PZ plots defined by this set of data reflect a proposed 2 year, annual survey...

Code-Point with polygons

Code-Point® with polygons shows the notional shape of every postcode unit in Great Britain, and includes major buildings with multiple postcodes. For compelling visuals, Code-Point with polygons...

Farm Incomes in Northern Ireland

Incomes, financial position, enterprise performance and fixed costs for the main farm types and sizes in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern...

Honours lists

Lists of those who have received honours at New Year and on the Queen’s official birthday in June each year since 2012. Information is updated after each List is published and includes the level of...

Road Collision Vehicles In Camden

This dataset contains road collisions in Camden dating back to 2005. Data is provided by TfL (Transport for London) on an annual basis in three parts – this is the vehicles part; some information...

Road Collision Casualties In Camden

This dataset contains road collisions in Camden dating back to 2005. Data is provided by TfL (Transport for London) on an annual basis in three parts – this is the casualties part; some information...

Sampling Positions in the Greater North Sea from 2009 to 2011 for Defra project ME5301 fulfilled by Cefas

Provides both the Target and Actual positions of locations in the Greater North Sea where the seabed was sampled by Cefas under the Defra funded Project ME5301. Vessel = Cefas Endeavour; Cruises...

Civil Service People Survey 2010

The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2010 325,000 Civil Servants across 103 organisations...

Camden Licensing Conditions Beta

This dataset contains the conditions associated with a particular licence reference in the Camden Licensing Register dataset. The two datasets can be joined using the Licence Reference column. This...

NI 009 - Use of public libraries

The services provided by public libraries are capable of giving positive outcomes for a wide variety of enquiries and purposes, including promoting community cohesion, education and well-being....

Secure Accommodation

The Secure Accommodation is an aggregate collection from the Secure Children's Units in England, as well as the one unit in Wales. Information is collected on places approved and children...

Personnel Records

The personnel dataset covers records on individual's absences, positions, training and grading.

Worcester - SWDP Boundary

SWDP - South Worcester Development Plan (adopted 25th February 2016) Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon Councils joined together to prepare a Development Plan with the aim of ensuring that...

Worcester - SWDP Boundary

SWDP - South Worcester Development Plan (adopted 25th February 2016) Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon Councils joined together to prepare a Development Plan with the aim of ensuring that...

Broiler chicken flocks in GB - number of flocks positive for each Salmonella serovar, NCP testing 2010 - 2014

Of sampled submissions as part of National Control Programme (NCP) testing (2010-2014), this dataset shows the number of positive Broiler Chicken flocks for each Salmonella serovar. The laboratory...

Global positioning system (GPS) locations and elevations of soil sampling sites across UK saltmarshes 2018 to 2021

The dataset details global positioning system (GPS) locations and elevations recorded for 1323 sampling sites across UK saltmarshes. Between 2018 and 2021, soil was sampled at 1323 locations as...

NHS Workforce - Doctors - by Grade and Specialty

These statistics relate to the contracted positions within English NHS organisations and may include those where the person assigned to the position is temporarily absent, for example on maternity...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions: (section 251 formerly s52)

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

Organogram for Government Offices

A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the Government Office Network. The Government Office Network has now closed. This data has been updated with a snapshot of the organisation on...

English Indices Of Deprivation 2015 Combined

Statistics on relative deprivation in small areas in England. This takes files 1 - 6 and 8 from the official statistics dataset (see link below) and joins them together to create one large lookup...