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3,790 results found

EU and EFTA countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain

Check if EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states are approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). Official veterinarians must...

Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales)

The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

Great Crested Newt eDNA Habitat Suitability Index Pond Surveys for District Level Licensing 2017, 2018, 2019

Great Crested Newt eDNA and Habitat Suitability Index Survey results for Ponds surveyed for District Level Licensing. Also included for some ponds is information on water pH and temperature as well...

Defra annual record of Sustainable Consumption and Production statistical enquiries received in the Enviro inbox

Annual figures relating to number & type of queries coming into Enviro inbox on sustainable consumption and production. There are 4 tabs: short description of query; query by type of...

Animal health status of countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) risk status and other disease status information of countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

Product Exports 2014

This dataset contains information on export applications for animal products (meat, dairy and miscellaneous products). Applications registered on this dataset were for Export Health Certification...

Pass Production & Records

Records of individuals with passes to gain entry to Agency buildings

Motor vehicle production

Data on the production of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

International Comparisons of Productivity

An international comparison of productivity across the G7 nations, in terms of the level of and growth in GDP per hour and GDP per worker. Source agency: Office for National...

Public Service Productivity

Output, Input, quality and productivity data for public services. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Salmon production model

The bio-economic model can be used to identify and summarise potential production scenarios for Atlantic Salmon. Users can specify an initial fish weight, time of year and desired harvest...

Salmon production model

The bio-economic model can be used to identify and summarise potential production scenarios for Atlantic Salmon. Users can specify an initial fish weight, time of year and desired harvest...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Scots Pine (W18)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Upland Birch (W4)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Diverse Conifer - Douglas Fir

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Diverse Conifer - Scots Pine

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Diverse Conifer - Norway Spruce

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

Climate suitability for Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae infection in the UK

These spatial layers map the suitability of climate conditions for infection of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae across the UK. The model is based on laboratory data of environmental...

CYC Productivity Plan - July 2024

Councils across the United Kingdom were asked to submit a short productivity plan to MHCLG in July 2024 covering high level approach to transformation, technology, spend and barriers.

% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in suitable accommodation - (Snapshot)

% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in suitable accommodation - (Snapshot)