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Rural Areas within Local Enterprise Partnerships (Rural Development Programme) (England)

Rural areas within Local Enterprise Partnership boundaries (an interpretation by Defra given available information) and Built-Up Area geographies from the Office for National Statistics. This...

Pensioners' Incomes dataset

Pensioners' Incomes Anonymised UK Data Archive End User Licence. The Pensioners' Incomes series contains estimates of the levels, sources and distribution of pensioners’ incomes and also examines...

DESNZ commercial pipeline

A commercial pipeline is a forward look at potential commercial activity for an organisation. The information presented is for information only and reflects the Department for Energy Security and...

DSIT Commercial Pipeline

A commercial pipeline is a forward look at potential commercial activity for an organisation. The information presented is for information only and reflects the Department for Science, Innovation...

NI 073 - Achievement at level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 2

Key Stage (KS) 2 is the stage of the National Curriculum between ages 8 and 11 years. This indicator relates to tests taken by 11 year olds at the end of KS2. Pupils attainment is assessed in...

IODP Expedition 362 Sumatra Seismogenesis, Co-Chief activities and deformation structures of the subducting oceanic plate, fault and stratigraphic data from seismic reflection data interpretation (NERC Grant NE/P012817/1)

Interpretations of fault positions, geometries and displacements, and seismic stratigraphic horizons. These are provided in the form of Seismic fault and horizon data as ‘Charisma fault sticks’ and...

Public spending outturn series

Time series data going back five years using the full year outturn, showing trend information, taken from snapshot 31 (Main Estimates outturn snapshot April 2010). This is consistent with the...

NI 107 - Key Stage 2 attainment for black and minority ethnic groups

Key Stage (KS) 2 is the stage of the National Curriculum between ages 8 and 11 years. This indicator relates to tests taken by 11 year olds at the end of KS2. Minority ethnic groups measured for...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Freedom Of Information's and SAR

Data sets reflecting the number of requests for FOI and SAR, with details and dates

National Information Infrastructure

Over the summer of 2013, the Cabinet Office started to develop the processes to support the maintenance of a dynamic NII. We can now launch a first iteration which will be the basis for user...

Traffic Commissioners: local bus service registration

These records are updated on a weekly basis, every Sunday. Register of all registered local bus services in Great Britain as recorded on the Vehicle Operator Licensing database (VOL). 1....

Children Looked After Data

Data on children looked after by local authorities in England is collected via annual returns known as the SSDA903 return from English local authorities. Data are collected at individual child...

Impact indicator: affordable housing completions

Number of affordable housing completions (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of completions under the relevant programmes within the reporting...

Noise exposure data - England

The data show the estimated number of people affected by noise from road traffic, railway and industrial sources, based on an annual average 24 hour period for the situation in 2011. The...

Impact indicator: affordable housing starts

Number of affordable housing starts (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of starts under the relevant programmes within the reporting period. Because...

Input indicator: total new homes bonus grant

Total new homes bonus grant payable per year #### How the figure is calculated: For 2013-14: total grant payable equals the total payment for the current year and for 2012-13 and 2011-12...

Lough Erne Accountability Report - tables

In 2009 G8 Leaders made a public commitment to monitor their progress on the promises they have made on development. Since the Muskoka G8 summit in 2010 they have published an annual Accountability...

Senior management expenses at the Gambling Commission

A quarterly updated list of all senior management expenses from the Gambling Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. One document is created for each...

Spend over £25,000 in Gambling Commission

A quarterly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Gambling Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. One document is...

Cereals and Oilseeds Production Harvest

Presents estimates of the size of the UK cereals and oilseed rape harvest. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...