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882 results found

Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland - biological comparative tables

Spreadsheet showing species information associated with habitats in the shallow section of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (published in 2004). The biological comparative...

Pension Credit (PC)

Pension Credit claimants (financial help for people aged 60 or over whose income is below a certain level set by the law) Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Department...

Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland - physical comparative tables

Spreadsheet showing physical information associated with habitats in the shallow section of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (published in 2004). The physical comparative...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Radioactive Substances - Public Register Online

This dataset comprises basic details of Environmental Permitting Regulations Radioactive Substances Regulation permits that are placed on the public register. The Environmental Permitting...

General Medical Practices - by Primary Care Organisation

GP Practices making up each Clinical Commissioning Group, Care Trust, Local Health Boards in Wales (or old style Primary Care Group for closed GP Practices). Contains: A mapping of GP...

Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales) Web Feature Service (WFS)

The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales) Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales)

The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

National Forest Estate Subcompartments England 2019

All organisations hold information about the core of their business. The Forestry Commission holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make...

Proposed Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)

The Proposed SSSI layer is for internal use only. Anyone using the layer to assess a planning application or to answer an external enquiry should check first with the relevant Land Management team...

Units granted planning permission on all sites, England

This Barbour provided dataset contains quarterly permissions for units granted planning permission in England for the given time period. Data are given as a rolling annual average. Barbour...

Health risks of bathing waters: Links between gastrointestinal illness and marine bathing

The 2006/7/EC European Bathing Directive stipulates water quality classification standards for recreational bathing waters based on specified limits for Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIOs). Presence...

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Transport and its arms-length bodies

The Department for Transport (DFT) has published monthly consolidated files of invoice payments; grant payments, and other payment transactions in accordance with the Prime Minister’s requirements...

Input indicator: local authority funding from government grant

This indicator is the reported local authority income from central government grants as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure, using the relevant lines from Revenue Summary returns. #### How the...

Places of interest

Polygon layer recording places of interest/tourist attractions in the City. This dataset was created to make mapping of these features easier. Data is created from the Ordnance Survey Mastermap...

Second UK Habitats Directive report (2007) - Follow up actions to this report

This dataset has been produced from a project identifying necessary actions to demonstrate real conservation progress, as required by the Habitats Directive. Since 2007 JNCC, working through its...

Rural Areas within Local Enterprise Partnerships (Rural Development Programme) (England)

Rural areas within Local Enterprise Partnership boundaries (an interpretation by Defra given available information) and Built-Up Area geographies from the Office for National Statistics. This...

People with diabetes diagnosed less than a year who are referred to structured education (CCGOIS 2.5)

The percentage of people with diabetes diagnosed less than a year who are referred to structured education. Due to current methodological review, this indicator is not being updated at present....

Local Plan 2003 District Shopping Centres

Shopping Centres relevant at the district level of the Local Plan 2003.

Local Plan 2003 Local Shopping Centres

Shopping Centres relevant at the local level of the Local Plan 2003.