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163 results found

Greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen use efficiency and biomass from digestate experiments on winter wheat at North Wyke and Henfaes, UK (2017)

The data contains nitrogen (N) offtake, N emissions (ammonia and nitrous oxide), soil parameters (pH, EC, NH4+, NO3−), biomass and grain production from a winter wheat field experiment located at...

Sediment trap diatom assemblages from Rostherne Mere, Cheshire, UK (2004-2017)

This dataset includes sediment trap diatom captures and water column temperature profiles from a PhD research project at Rostherne Mere in Cheshire. These data were collected to show the...

Standardised counts of bacteria, fungi and micro eukaryotes abundances across geo-linked sampling locations on grassland, UK (2016)

The data consist of standardised counts of taxon abundances (bacteria, fungi and micro eukaryotes) from soil samples collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems, including low...

International (ICES) and national (UK) fish stock and shellfish stock data from 2020 assessment year

The dataset collected includes assessment output relating to the years from 1905 to 2020 inclusive for the following variables for each stock: the annual recruitment estimate, the stock size...

International (ICES) and national (UK) fish stock and shellfish stock data from 2020 assessment year

The dataset collected includes assessment output relating to the years from 1905 to 2020 inclusive for the following variables for each stock: the annual recruitment estimate, the stock size...

Sample Locations for Thermochronometric Analysis of Recent deformation across the Basin and Range (NERC Grant NE/N015479/1)

Locations of samples collected to constrain the recent activity on normal faults across Nevada. The geological samples will be used to measure the amount of exhumation that different normal faults...

Milk Quota 70 percent usage rule figures for 2011 to 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Milk Quota 70 percent usage rule figures for 2011 to 2012.The usage figures compare the amount of milk delivered to purchasers or sold...

Simulated winter wheat and maize above-ground dry matter, soil organic matter and soil water, Changwu, China 1983-2015 and future climate scenarios to 2049

The model-generated dataset includes simulated daily dry matter accumulation of above-ground organs (leaves, stems and grains) of winter wheat and maize, soil water content in different soil layers...

Socioecological data from smallholder oil palm plantations in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, 2021-2022

This dataset includes results from biodiversity, social and environmental surveys of 49 oil palm smallholders and farms in Perak, Malaysia. Biodiversity data includes sticky trap data on flying...

Operational taxonomic units for epilithon eukaryotes in the rivers Wolf and Tamar catchments

This dataset contains operational taxonomic units for epilithon eukaryotes (water samples): Approximate location of sampling sites was determined from maps to provide good spatial coverage of the...

Operational taxonomic units for epilithon bacteria in the rivers Wolf and Tamar catchments

This dataset contains operational taxonomic units for epilithon (water samples): Approximate location of sampling sites was determined from maps to provide good spatial coverage of the Wold River...

Groundwater-related data from basement aquifers in the Romwe Catchment, Southern Zimbabwe

These files include hydrochemical data and groundwater level time series for a number of boreholes and wells within the basement aquifers of the Romwe catchment. For each borehole/well there are...

Data associated with journal article 'Modelling of H2 production in a packed bed rector via sorption enhanced steam methane reforming process'. S Z Abbas, V Dupont, T Mahmud (2017).

Data derived from UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-181. The journal article can be found at The sorption enhanced steam reforming (SE-SMR) of methane over...

Unified peat map for Wales

An updated map of peat extent for Wales has been developed by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, with support from the British Geological Survey and Natural Resources Wales in support of the...

International (ICES) and national (UK) fish stock and shellfish stock data from 2021 assessment year

The dataset collected includes assessment output relating to the years from 1905 to 2021 inclusive for annual estimates of the following variables for each stock: the annual recruitment estimate;...

Semiochemical experiment data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop systems

The semiochemical experiment data were collected from novel laboratory, semi-field- and field-scale bioassay experiments taking behavioural observations and counts of pest insects and their natural...

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record): Chemical traces, sea conditions and meteorological model measurements

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record) was part of Theme 2 QUEST (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System) programme. This dataset collection contains chemical...

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record): Chemical traces, sea conditions and meteorological model measurements

DESIRE (Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record) was part of Theme 2 QUEST (Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System) programme. This dataset collection contains chemical...

CEH Land Cover plus: Fertilisers 2010-2015 (England)

This product consists of maps of predicted average annual application rates of three different inorganic chemical fertilisers – nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) - in England across a...

Rural smallholder agricultural field management surveys across Mozambique

This dataset comprises 259 smallholder agricultural field surveys collected from twenty-six villages across three Districts in Mozambique, Africa. Surveys were conducted in ten fields in each of...