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97 results found

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) common breeding birds data 1971-2007

Bird species data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) lowland terrestrial sites. These data were collected, using the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)'s Common Bird Census methodology...

National Head and Neck Cancer Audit, Open data - 2013

Making clinical audit data transparent In his transparency and open data letter to Cabinet Ministers on 7 July 2011, the Prime Minister made a commitment to make clinical audit data available...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of LSOAs in EW

The 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of lower layer super output areas in England and Wales is based on the 2011 RUC of output areas published in August 2013, and allows users to create a...

BGS Palaeozoic Project

This zipped folder contains data from a study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, which was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience...

BGS Irish Sea Final May 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS MNSH Final March 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS Orcadian Final May 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in England

This is the 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in accordance with the scale of their 'rural' and 'rural-related' population components, and their...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in EN

This is the 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in accordance with the scale of their 'rural' and 'rural-related' population components, and their...

National Head and Neck Cancer Audit, Open data - 2014

Making clinical audit data transparent In his transparency and open data letter to Cabinet Ministers on 7 July 2011, the Prime Minister made a commitment to make clinical audit data available...

Rural Urban Classification (2001) of LSOAs in EW

This file provides a rural-urban view of 2001 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) in England and Wales. The ZIP file contains the Rural Urban Classification in XLSX and CSV format and includes a...

Rural Urban Classification (2001) of MSOAs in EW

This file provides a rural-urban view of 2001 Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) in England and Wales. The ZIP file contains the Rural Urban Classification in XLSX and CSV format and includes a...

Rural Urban Classification (2001) of Output Areas in EW

This file provides a rural-urban view of 2001 Output Areas (OA) in England and Wales. The ZIP file contains the Rural Urban Classification in XLSX and CSV format and includes a user guide. The...

Rural Urban Classification (2003) of CAS Wards in EW

This file provides a rural-urban view of 2003 Census Area Statistics (CAS) Wards in England and Wales. The ZIP file contains the Rural Urban Classification in XLSX and CSV format and includes a...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Local Authority Districts in EN

This is 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of Local Authority Districts. This part of the Rural Urban Classification is available only for England and complements another part of the...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of MSOAs in EW

The 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of middle layer super output areas (MSOA) in England and Wales is based on the 2011 RUC of output areas published in August 2013, and allows users to...

Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Wards in EW

This file provides a rural-urban view of 2011 electoral wards / divisions. The 2011 rural-urban classification of electoral wards / divisions was released in August 2013. This product was sponsored...