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1,694 results found

Health-related quality of life for people with long-term conditions (CCGOIS 2.1)

Average adjusted health status (EQ-5D™) score for individuals reporting that they have a long-term condition, based on responses to a question from the GP Patient Survey. Current version updated:...

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - Site condition monitoring information

Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to report on the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive. This dataset contains the summary country and...

2014 Natural England condition assessment and benthic survey of the The Lagoons SSSI: Easington

Survey name: 2014 Natural England condition assessment and benthic survey of the The Lagoons SSSI: Easington This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

3 hourly weather forecast and observational data - UK locations

## Datamarket closure As Microsoft have announced that they are shutting down their DataMarket service, the API access currently at...

Road Traffic Collisions: Location

Information on collisions across Cambridgeshire. Data includes location, number of people and vehicles involved, road surface, weather conditions and severity of any casualties. Data is currently...

Planning Application Approval of Details as Reserved by Condition

Guidance, criteria and forms for Application for Approval of Details as Reserved by Condition can be found below.

Scottish House Condition Survey

This survey looks at the physical condition of Scotland's homes as well as the experiences of householders. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: chronic conditions usually managed in primary care

Emergency admissions to hospital for chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes) usually managed in primary care settings Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: acute conditions usually managed in primary care

The number of finished and unfinished continuous inpatient spells (CIPS) for patients of all ages with an emergency method of admission and with any of the following primary diagnoses - Ear, nose...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (NHSOF 3a)

The indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital in England for acute conditions such as ear/nose/throat infections, kidney/urinary tract infections and angina, among others,...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (CCGOIS 3.1)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence...

2012 Natural England and Ecospan Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC Seagrass Condition Assessment

Survey name: 2012 Natural England and Ecospan Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC Seagrass Condition Assessment This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

2013 Natural England Intertidal Mudflat Condition Assessment of Portsmouth Harbour SPA/SSSI

Survey name: 2013 Natural England Intertidal Mudflat Condition Assessment of Portsmouth Harbour SPA/SSSI This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

2015 Natural England subtidal seagrass condition assesment survey of the Fal and Helford SAC

Survey name: 2015 Natural England subtidal seagrass condition assesment survey of the Fal and Helford SAC This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C6, Insects of the wider countryside (butterflies)

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C6, Insects of the wider countryside (butterflies). Butterflies respond rapidly to changes in environmental conditions and...

Testing shoot cold hardiness in Eucalyptus (Daneshill energy plantation 2007)

Several studies on growing eucalyptus in Britain have been undertaken over the last 25 years. All recognise the potential for establishing this species as a valuable forest crop while stressing...

Estimating the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Conditions in Adults - Extending the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey

This report presents a new estimate of the prevalence of autism among adults aged 18 years and over. This was derived using data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS 2007) in...

Health-related quality of life for people with three or more long-term conditions (NHSOF 2.7)

This indicator measures the health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as having three or more long-term conditions. Purpose This indicator measures how successfully the...

Health-related quality of life for people with a long-term mental health condition (CCGOIS 2.16)

Average adjusted health status (EQ-5D™) score for individuals reporting that they have a long-term mental health condition, based on responses to a question from the GP Patient Survey. Current...

2000-1 NE Mapping, Condition & Conservation Assessment of Honeycomb Worm Sabellaria alveolata Reefs

Survey name: 2000-1 NE Mapping, Condition & Conservation Assessment of Honeycomb Worm Sabellaria alveolata Reefs This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of...