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State of Calderdale 2018: Build a sustainable future

The State of Calderdale assembly brings together key representatives from the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors. As part of the event, Calderdale Council prepare a data pack to...

London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure (development work)

The Mayor of London committed to developing a London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure in his [2021 manifesto](

Sustainable Transport Strategy - London Underground journeys

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. Here is a compilation of different facts and figures relating to journeys made on...

NI 105 The Special Educational Needs (SEN)/non-SEN gap achieving 5 A*- C GCSE including English and Maths

The percentage point gap between pupils who are identified as having special educational needs who achieve 5 A*-C GCSE grades or equivalent including English and Maths at Key Stage (KS) 4 and their...

NI 104 The Special Educational Needs (SEN)/non-SEN gap achieving Key Stage 2 English and Maths threshold

The percentage point gap between pupils who are identified as having special educational needs who achieve the expected national curriculum level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage...

NI 101 Looked after children achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (including English and mathematics)

The number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 11 and achieved the equivalent of at least 5 A*-C GCSEs (including English and maths) against the total...

NI 105 - The Special Educational Needs (SEN)/non-SEN gap achieving 5 A*- C GCSE including English and Maths

The percentage point gap between pupils who are identified as having special educational needs who achieve 5 A*-C GCSE grades or equivalent including English and Maths at Key Stage (KS) 4 and their...

NI 104 - The Special Educational Needs (SEN)/non-SEN gap achieving Key Stage 2 English and Maths threshold

The percentage point gap between pupils who are identified as having special educational needs who achieve the expected national curriculum level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage...

NI 101 - Looked after children achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (including English and mathematics)

The number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 11 and achieved the equivalent of at least 5 A*-C GCSEs (including English and maths) against the total...

NI 078 Reduction in number of schools where fewer than 30% of pupils achieve 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE

The indicator will measure number of pupils in a school achieving 5A*-C or equivalent including English and Maths at KS4 against number of pupils in a school eligible for assessment at KS4,...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B1b, Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B1b, Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed. Woodland certification assesses management practices against...

North East Mining and Groundwater Constraints Map

The Mining and Groundwater Constraints Map is part of a screening tool which has been created through a partnership between the Environment Agency and the Coal Authority. Its geographical coverage...

Number of Supporting Families cases who have achieved an outcome - (Snapshot)

Number of Supporting Families cases who have achieved an outcome - (Snapshot)

NI 076 Reduction in number of schools where fewer than 65% of pupils achieve level 4 or above in both English and Maths at KS2

Number of pupils in a school achieving level 4+ in both English and Maths at KS2 against the number of pupils in a school eligible for KS2 assessment in both English and Maths, expressed as a...

NI 076 - Reduction in number of schools where fewer than 65% of pupils achieve level 4 or above in both English and Maths at KS2

Number of pupils in a school achieving level 4+ in both English and Maths at KS2 against the number of pupils in a school eligible for KS2 assessment in both English and Maths, expressed as a...

Sustainable Transport Strategy - Transport for London Updates and Information

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. Transport for London run much of the London network including roads, trains and...

SFA: national achievement rates tables 2014 to 2015

Apprenticeship and education and training national achievement rates tables National Achievement Rate Tables are produced annually in arrears of the production of the qualification achievement...

NI 078 Reduction in number of schools where fewer than 30% of pupils achieve 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE and equivalent including GCSEs in English and Maths

The indicator will measure number of pupils in a school achieving 5A*-C or equivalent including English and Maths at KS4 against number of pupils in a school eligible for assessment at KS4,...

Timetabled Train Kilometres

Timetabled train kilometres (TTKM) show the number of kilometres each train operating company will achieve according to the winter and summer train timetable if they are operating at full...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...