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Children In Need in England:

This publication contains figures on the numbers of children referred and assessed by children's social services. It includes information on the characteristics of children in need and information...

Family and Children Study

The Families and Children Study is a longitudinal study collecting information about families with dependent children in Great Britain. The data includes respondent and children files, for each year.

NI 066 - Looked after children cases which were reviewed within required timescales.

The indicator measures the percentage of children looked after cases which should have been reviewed during the year ending 31 March that were reviewed on time during the year Source: Statutory...

NI 065 - Percentage of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time

The indicator measures the number who had previously been the subject of a child protection plan, or on the child protection register of that council, regardless of how long ago that was against...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Q4C

Performance management database for recording assessments of staff

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Homeworkers

Data relating to employees who work at home

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Commissioning

Separated Parent Information Programme records of attendance, costs frequency of sessions for two years

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Communications

Spreadsheet which contains an overview of the details of all queries made by MPs. Spreadsheet which contains an overview of all emails received and responses provided to Cafcass web enquiries email.

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CMS

All case information , names , courts, outcomes dates from which performance data are extracted

Local authority children’s services inspections and outcomes

The local authority children's services inspections and outcomes results. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not...

Children's Social Care data in England 2019

Inspection data and information about the providers and places of children’s social care in England and inspection outcomes for local authority children’s services.

Children’s homes inspections and outcomes: management information

Management information published quarterly in the interests of transparency.

Review of tax arrangements in the Department for Environment , Food and Rural Affairs

On 23 May 2012, the Government published a review of the tax arrangements of public sector appointees. The review identified the number of off payroll engagements worth more than £58,200 per annum...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Defra Connect

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) database for sharing stakeholder information across Defra

Gateway Reviewers in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

Database of Gateway Reviewers in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

NI 070 Reduce emergency hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries to children and young people.

The total number of children and young people admitted to hospital as a result of injury against the total population of children and young people in the PCT area, expressed as a rate. Source:...

Outcomes for Children Looked After

Information on the educational attainment, special educational needs, absence and exclusions of children looked after is obtained through matching children looked after data with data in the...

Children Looked After Data

Data on children looked after by local authorities in England is collected via annual returns known as the SSDA903 return from English local authorities. Data are collected at individual child...

Children Order Statistical Trends

Following consultation with and having considered the feedback received from users’, Community Information Branch plan to combine ‘CHILDREN ORDER STATISTICAL TABLES’ and ‘’CHILDREN ORDER...