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157 results found

Intergenerational transmission of disadvantage in the UK & EU

Examines the extent to which the circumstances children grow up in affect their future life chances. The analysis investigates the relationship between childhood factors, such as parents’...

Recorded Flood Extents

Recorded Flood Extents shows areas that have been recorded to have flooded in the past from rivers, the sea or surface water. The records come from a number of evidence sources including...

LDNPA Article 4 directions

This dataset comprises polygons representing areas, within the Lake District National Park, that are subject to Article 4 directions. Article 4 directions revoke the planning permission granted...

Fissures and Breaklines

This dataset maps fissure and breakline features stored in the National Coal Mining Database. Fissures are a crack or opening in rock or the earth, created by mining in certain circumstances and...

Green Belt

Green Belts were made possible by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 but the Oxford Green Belt was not formally approved until 1975. The original designation of the Oxford Green Belt was to...

Green Belt

Green Belts were made possible by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 but the Oxford Green Belt was not formally approved until 1975. The original designation of the Oxford Green Belt was to...

VOA Non domestic rating - Rents paid on letting of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including rents paid on letting of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties correctly...

VOA Non domestic rating - Rents paid on letting of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including rents paid on letting of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties correctly...

Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 Heavily Modified Water Body Use and Physical Modification

A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is to report the physical modifications and uses that have resulted in a heavily modified water body. This dataset lists the physical modifications...

VOA Non domestic rating - Receipts/expenditure and costs of construction

Non-Domestic Rating data, including receipts/expenditure and costs of construction. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties...

VOA Council Tax - addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties

Council Tax database, including addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value...

VOA Council Tax - addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties

Council Tax database, including addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value...

VOA Non domestic rating - Receipts/expenditure and costs of construction

Non-Domestic Rating data, including receipts/expenditure and costs of construction. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties...

Council Current Spending

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be possible for us to meet the timescales stipulated with regard to Council Spend Data...

Indices of Deprivation

The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has released the English Indices of Deprivation 2015 (ID2015), which updates the 2010 indices of the same name. The indices are combined...

VOA Non domestic rating - addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the...

VOA Non domestic rating - addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the...

Public Rights of Way

“Public Rights of Way in the Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale, including public footpaths, public bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOATs).” **Advice on use of...

Felling Licence Applications (1998-2011)

Anyone wishing to fell trees must ensure that a licence or permission under a grant scheme has been issued by Scottish Forestry (formerly Forestry Commission Scotland) before any felling is carried...

Survey of Londoners 2021-22

In 2018-19 the GLA first undertook a [Survey of Londoners]( At the time it provided vital evidence on Londoners that had...