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1,143 results found

Smoking rates in people with serious mental illness (SMI) (CCGOIS 1.23)

The percentage of people aged 18 and over with SMI, identified on GP systems, who are current smokers Current version updated: Mar-16 Next version due: TBC

Transaction Data

Transaction Data shows how many customer applications we completed in the previous month. We publish 5 different versions of this dataset. They're normally available to download on the 15th day of...

People who have had a stroke who are admitted to an acute stroke unit within 4 hours of arrival to hospital (CCGOIS 3.5)

Percentage of people with stroke admitted to an acute stroke unit within 4 hours of arrival to hospital. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Sep-18

Access to community mental health services by people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups (CCGOIS 2.9)

Access to community mental health services by BME groups, crude rates per 100,000 population. Current version updated: Sep-15 Next version due: Sep-17

People with serious mental illness (SMI) who have received the complete list of physical checks (CCGOIS 1.12)

The percentage of people with SMI, identified on GP systems, who have received the complete list of physical checks. Current version updated: Mar-16 Next version due: TBC

Access to psychological therapies services by people from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups (CCGOIS 2.10)

Access to psychological therapies services by people from BME groups, crude rates per 100,000 population Current version updated: Dec-16 Next version due: Dec-17

Neonatal mortality and stillbirths (CCGOIS 1.25)

The rate of stillbirths and deaths within 28 days of birth per 1,000 live births and still births. Current version updated: Jun-17 Next version due: Jun-18

Maternal smoking at delivery (CCGOIS 1.14)

The percentage of women who were smokers at the time of delivery, out of the number of maternities, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Dec-17

Antenatal assessments within 13 weeks (CCGOIS 1.13)

The percentage of women who have seen a midwife or a maternity healthcare professional by 12 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. Current version updated: Dec-15 Next version due: TBC

Cattle in Scotland on the 20 April 2009 with their passport version number

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle alive on a Scottish holding on 20 April 2009, Passports returned to British Cattle management Service and under amendment, note...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup OA21 version (August 2022)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at August 2022. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase®...

BGS Geology - 10k (DiGMapGB-10) Linear version 2

Linear features (shown as polylines) represent seven classes of geological structural features e.g. faults, folds or landforms e.g. buried channels, glacial drainage channels at the ground or...

BGS Geology - 10k (DiGMapGB-10) Superficial version 2

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names and rock type descriptions. The scale of the data is 1:10 000 scale. Onshore coverage is partial with...

BGS Geology - 10k (DiGMapGB-10) Bedrock version 2

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names and rock type descriptions. The scale of the data is 1:10 000 scale providing bedrock geology. Onshore coverage...

Indicative atlas of radon potential for Great Britain version 3

Radon is a natural radioactive gas, which enters buildings from the ground. The joint UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) (formerly Public Health England (PHE) ) - British Geological Survey (BGS)...

BGS Debris Flow Susceptibility Model GB (version 6.1)

The BGS Debris Flow Susceptibility Model for Great Britain v6.1 is a 1:50 000 scale raster dataset of Great Britain providing 50 m ground resolution information on the potential of the ground, at a...

BGS Seabed Geology 10k: Bristol Channel version 1.0

The Seabed Geology 10k: Bristol Channel is a digital geological map portraying the distribution of the different geological substrate units (either of bedrock or unlithified deposits) present on...

BGS Geology - 625k (DiGMapGB-625) Dykes version 5

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names. The scale of the data is 1:625 000 scale providing a simplified interpretation of the geology and may be used...

BGS Geology - 250k (DiGMapGB-250) Linear version 4

Data identifying linear features (shown as polylines) representing geological faults at the ground or bedrock surface (beneath superficial deposits). The scale of the data is 1:250 000 scale...

BGS Geology - 250k (DiGMapGB-250) Bedrock version 4

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names and rock type descriptions. The scale of the data is 1:250 000 scale providing a generalised geology. Onshore...