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QPENSO: HadCM3 model simulations output collection

Model simulations undertaken by the Quantifying variability of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on adaptation-relevant time scales using a novel palaeodata-modelling approach (QPENSO) project....

QPENSO: HadCM3 model simulations output collection

Model simulations undertaken by the Quantifying variability of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on adaptation-relevant time scales using a novel palaeodata-modelling approach (QPENSO) project....

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a commercial Miscanthus x. giganteus plantation, Lincolnshire, UK, 2008 to 2013

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

Eddy Covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water flux at an intensively cultivated lowland deep peat soil, East Anglia, UK, 2012 to 2020

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) for a managed...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a commercial short rotation coppice willow plantation, Lincolnshire, UK, 2009 to 2013

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a short rotation coppice plantation, Lincolnshire, UK, 2014-2017

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a commercial Miscanthus x. giganteus plantation, Lincolnshire, UK, 2013 to 2017

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a cropland and a grassland on lowland peat soils, East Anglia, UK, 2016-2019

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at an organically managed grassland, Berkshire, UK, 2017 to 2019

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a lowland valley fen, Anglesey, UK, 2015-2018

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates Project: High-Resolution Chemistry Model data for the Amazon basin.

The Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates project ran a unique high resolution model for the Amazon basin, able to simulate isoprene...

Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates Project: High-Resolution Chemistry Model data for the Amazon basin.

The Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates project ran a unique high resolution model for the Amazon basin, able to simulate isoprene...

MAMM: Airborne Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases Measurements

The Methane and other greenhouse gases in the Artic - Measurements, process studies and Modelling (MAMM) project was a consortium as part of the NERC Artic Research Programme. This project used a...

ACSOE ACE HILLCLOUD-96 and HILLCLOUD-97: Hill Cap Cloud Aerosol Data from Five Sites in Tenerife

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

Measurements, process studies and Modelling (MAMM) program: Airborne Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases Measurements

The Methane and other greenhouse gases in the Artic - Measurements, process studies and Modelling (MAMM) project was a consortium as part of the NERC Artic Research Programme. This consortium...

ACSOE ACE HILLCLOUD-96 and HILLCLOUD-97: Hill Cap Cloud Aerosol Data from Five Sites in Tenerife

The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

Air Quality Monitoring Areas

Air Quality Monitoring Areas - The Environment Agency is a regulator for the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere from large, complex industrial processes. This will soon include emissions...

Heavy metal, nitrogen, and sulphur atmospheric deposition from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) for 2040, 2070 and 2100 under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios 1-5

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...