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137 results found

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs)

Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) within the Cherwell District Council administrative area in partnership with Thames Valley Police. DPPOs help local authorities deal with the problems of...

National Drug Treatment Waiting Times

Information on the number of clients seen and the length of time they waited to be seen for various interventions. Data presented by Health Board (from March 2010 release onwards) and Alcohol and...

Temporary event notices

This dataset contains information about temporary event notices which are one-off permissions granted to people wanting to hold a specific event that involves the activities such as serving food or...

Premises licences

These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, or serve hot food after 11pm (e.g. pubs, bars, takeaways, supermarkets and hotels). The best way to work...

Opinions and Lifestyle Survey

Report covering alcohol consumption in 2012, using Opinions and Lifestyle Survey data. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Health behaviours JSNA 2015 - survey data by district

In Lancashire there was limited information about the extent to which people engaged in health-compromising and health-enabling behaviours. To address this a project was commissioned to look at...

ScotPHO National Profiles

Update to Health and Wellbeing Profiles on the ScotPHO website, including some alcohol and drugs- related indicators at national and Local Authority level. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS...

Health behaviours JSNA 2015 - survey data by district

In Lancashire there was limited information about the extent to which people engaged in health-compromising and health-enabling behaviours. To address this a project was commissioned to look at...

Road Safety

Detailed data about personal injury accidents on public roads in York that are reported to the police and subsequently recorded, using the STATS19 accident reporting form, from 2005 onwards. The...

Deaths from various causes

Background information and/or commentary, tables and/or charts for each of the following: Accidental deaths, Alcohol-related deaths, Clostridium Difficile deaths, Hypothermia deaths, MRSA deaths,...

Salford City Council - Premises licences

Premises licences issued by Salford City Council. These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or serve hot food after 11pm. Dataset is formatted to...

My Health My School Survey

The ‘My Health, My School’ (MHMS) annual school survey is a free pupil survey available for pupils in Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 as well as for pupils attending any of our Specialist Inclusive...

Deaths from Liver Disease

This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Liver Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Most liver disease is preventable and much is influenced by alcohol...

Young Persons Behaviour and Attitudes Survey

YPBAS is a school-based survey conducted among 11-16 year-olds. The research covers a range of topics such as demographics, social support, money, school, subject choices & further education,...

Abundance of pollinators and diversity of bees in Ghana and the effect of urbanisation and management practices

Data consists of abundance counts and diversity of pollinators collected in Ghana. Pollinators were sampled with pan-traps between August and November 2016 in 126 greenspaces spread over an...

Modelling data for assessing potential of available minerals and reactor schemes (NERC Grant NE/P01982X/1)

The data set contains two separate items: (1) Global carbon dioxide removal potential of mine tailings, which includes (a) List of selected silicate-hosted mine tailings (classified by their...

Focus on London - Health

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**HEALTH**:CHILDREN**AND**YOUNG**PEOPLE** The health and wellbeing of London’s children and young people is fundamental to the health of the city. The recent Marmot...