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Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Homeworkers

Data relating to employees who work at home

DWP Public Sector Equality Duty report

Under the Public Sector Equality Duty, part of the Equality Act 2010, as a public body the Department for Work and Pensions has a specific duty to publish relevant proportionate information to...

Tax arrangements of DWP public sector appointees

Details as at 31st January 2012, of individuals engaged without income tax and employer and employee National Insurance Contributions being deducted by the Department, relevant agency or Non...

Enhanced Renewal Grant/College Capital Investment Fund Applications (Capital)

Enhanced Renewal Grant/College Capital Investment Fund Applications (Capital), may contain sensitive final information.

Account Deletion and Leavers Records

Data pertaining to employees IT accounts i.e. names, asset number…..

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Information Technology Particular Needs

Data pertaining to specialist IT equipment supplied to Cafcass employees that constitutes a reasonable adjustment

National Offender Management Service workforce statistics

The quarterly National Offender Management Service (NOMS) workforce statistics bulletin is designed to monitor changes to staffing figures and the structure of NOMS staff population over time. It...

Salaries and Related Records

Employee pay history records, salary rate registers, salary ledger cards/records

The Concessionary Fuel System (ConFuel 3)

Hosted by the National Concessionary Fuel Office operated by Capita: The Concessionary fuel system (ConFuel3) is used by the National Concessionary Fuel Office staff to provide a means of...

Ratio of median house price to median earnings

Earnings data is taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). This is based on a 1 per cent sample of employee jobs. Information on earnings is obtained in confidence from employers....

OS Mastermap Highways Network with speed data

Helping you plan routes, analyse traffic information and optimise journeys. Thanks to OS MasterMap Highways Network with Speed Data, you can also access road speed information through our product....

Injuries at work by employment status

Injuries to employees, self employed and members of the public as reported to all enforcing authorities, by county and Local Authority Source: Health and; Safety Executive (HSE) Publisher: Health...

Accidents and Assaults Database

This is a database containing historical data of a sensitive nature i.e. Reported incidents of unacceptable customer behaviour. The Database is built on a small systems platform with access...

Kinetics of enhanced cementation reactions for CO2 leakage remediation and fault healing processes

This dataset presents the amount of different magnesium carbonates under different conditions. Here, using batch reactor experiments and mineralogical characterization, we explored magnesite...

Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System

A Ministry of Justice publication under section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991. To avoid discrimination in the Criminal Justice System on grounds of sex, the Secretary of State for the...

MOD Health and Safety Statistics Annual Report

This report provides figures for adverse work-related health outcomes occurring for health and safety reasons recorded on the Ministry of Defence Incident Recording and Information System (IRIS),...

HPI - Full time job increases

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Percentage increases in full time equivalent employee jobs between 1991-2001 by place of work Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Health Poverty...

Health and Safety Incidents Among MOD Personnel

This report provides figures for adverse work-related health outcomes occurring for health and safety reasons recorded on the Ministry of Defence Incident Recording and Information System (IRIS),...

NI 172 - Percentage of small businesses in an area showing employment growth

Percentage of VAT registered businesses showing year-on-year employment growth. This indicator will include those businesses registered for VAT with less than 50 employment (around 98% of all VAT...

CWI Environment Domain 2009

The Environment Domain captures aspects of the environment that affect children’s physical well-being (health, exercise and safe, independent mobility). Indicators of the potential of the natural...