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Habitat point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Plymouth Harbour & Yealm Estuary survey

Plymouth and the Yealm Estuary are situated on the south coast of Devon. The Plymouth area includes a complex of marine inlets, the largest of which is the Tamar which is tidal for about 30 km and...

Degree attainment by socioeconomic background: UK, 2017/18 to 2020/21

This study supplies experimental statistics on the association between degree attainment (i.e. the proportion of first degree qualifiers awarded a first or upper second class) and our area-based...

London Schools Atlas

The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential...

Area management - areas where commercial fishing is prohibited or restricted (marine fisheries closed areas) - includes measures which contribute to the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network

Fishing pressures can be managed using spatial measures such as prohibiting or restricting certain types of fishing, target species, or vessel capacity. This dataset depicts restrictions defined by...

Total carbon and nitrogen stocks across a land use gradient on Salisbury Plain in June 2014

This dataset contains carbon and nitrogen stock data from soils collected from Salisbury Plain, UK. The sites were selected to reflect the four main grassland management types on Salisbury Plain...

List Of Specimens From The UK (North) Type And Stratigraphical Collection And Related Publications.

This dataset (GSE_REFERENCES) is a list of specimens held in the Type and Stratigraphical Collection of Scotland and Northern England, and the publications in which they are featured or...

Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2012/13

This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (15/06/2023)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (15/06/2023)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (27/09/2021)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (27/09/2021)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Ecosystem function and vegetation data from a land use gradient on Salisbury Plain in June 2014

This dataset contains ecosystem function and vegetation survey data from soils collected from Salisbury Plain, UK. The sites were selected to reflect the four main grassland management types on...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (27/09/2021)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (31/12/2023)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (31/12/2023)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (27/09/2021)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

The mid-Palaeozoic biotic crisis: setting the trajectory of tetrapod evolution. Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn, Northern England and the Scottish Borders. (NERC grant NE/J020729/1)

The data set consists of rock samples collected from Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn from 2013-2014; milled material is included. There is an Excel spreadsheet of sample numbers with...

Teenage pregnancy: Teenage conceptions - Under 18's: Local analysis

Data on teenage conceptions at ward level has been analysed by quintiles and are presented as maps to illustrate the variation whilst avoiding the risk of disclosing information on individuals....