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393 results found

Human Resources Dashboard - Attendance & Absence 2014/15

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Staff Attendance & Absence 2018/19

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Staff Attendance & Absence 2019/20

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Staff Attendance & Absence 2020/21

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Staff Attendance & Absence 2021/22

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Staff Attendance & Absence 2016/17

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Staff Attendance & Absence 2017/18

Monthly, year to date and rolling year sickness absence and cost of absence by council delivery unit

Capital for Enterprise Ltd GPC Transactional Spend more than or equal to £500.

Capital for Enterprise Limited is now part of Britis Business Bank. Operations and Staff were transferred from 1 October 2013. No additional data will be published for this organisation. This...


The sustainable environmental assessment required to account for potential delivery and health infrastructure. As such a layer of General Practitioners (GPs) of the time was created in 2008.

Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017

The Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017 is a list of the business-led IT-enabled innovation initiatives for April 2016 to March 2017. Innovation opportunities pass through a formally defined and...

Policies and Plans at Harrogate Borough Council

Policies and Plans at Harrogate Borough Council - including Corporate Plan, Corporate Delivery Plan, Audit Commission's Annual Audit and Inspection Letter, Harrogate District Sustainable Community...

UK Biodiversity Indicator E2, Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator E2, Expenditure on UK and international biodiversity. Spending is one way of assessing the priority that is given to...

Planning Applications

Planning applications for Scarborough Borough Council. A full dataset version including the Geox, GeoY derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for using the data to respond to, or...

Premises Licences

Premises Licences issued by Barrow Borough Council updated annually. A full dataset version including the UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using the data to...

LBB Performance Data 2019/20

As part of the new Corporate Plan (Barnet 2024), each Theme Committee produced an Annual Delivery Plan for 2019/20 which identified performance indicators. Performance indicators are reported...

Water Resource Management Plan Annual Review Data

Water companies in England have a statutory duty to create, consult and publish a Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP) every five years. They are also legally required to publish an update on the...

Planning Applications in Barnsley

Planning applications received and processed by Barnsley MBC since 2005. A full dataset version including the Geox, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for...

Premises Licences Cotswold

Premises Licences issued by Cotswold District Council. It has been published as part of the LG Open Data Incentive Scheme. A full dataset version including the UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey...

Planning Applications Barrow

Planning applications submitted to Barrow Borough Council over last 5 years updated monthly. A full dataset version including the Geox, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only...

Planning Applications

Planning applications submitted to Barrow Borough Council over last 5 years. A full dataset version including the Geox, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for...