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IMD Income Deprivation Domain 2007

This is one of 7 domains in the IMD, the Indicators used in the latest update of this domain are; - Adults and children in Income Support Households - Adults and children in Income-Based Job...

OS Net

OS Net is our highly accurate and resilient network of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) base stations covering Great Britain. It enables Real-time Kinematic (RTK) positioning services,...

Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET)

The number and proportion of young people aged 16-18 who are not engaged in any form of education, job-related training or employment. Source: Connexions - The Client Caseload Information System...

Informing choice in post-16 education and learning: parent and learner survey data

Learner survey and parental survey undertaken as part of the Informing Choice in post-16 education and learning research carried out for BIS by York Consulting. Relates to BIS research paper no....

Higher Qualifications

This bulletin covers qualifications of all types at Level 4 and above (equivalent to post-A level), excluding university degrees, which are regulated by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) rather...

Median earnings of residents - Gross Weekly Pay (£)

Median earnings of residents - Gross Weekly Pay (£) This measure is the median weekly earnings for full-time employees (working 39.1 hours per week – 2017 average) where half the workers earn...

London Business Demography Report

London Business Demography Report Aston University have carried out research into London’s business demographics to support the development of the London Enterprise Panel’s [Jobs and Growth...

Organogram and staff pay data for Export Credits Guarantee Department

A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the Export Credits Guarantee Department including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts...

Organogram and staff pay data for Department for Education

A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the Department for Education including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts are listed...

Simplified Planning Zones - Rochdale Borough Council

A SPZ is a tool for stimulating and encouraging economic growth, investment and job creation. It achieves this by granting a blanket planning permission for particular types of development within...

Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by post code sector (Total Equity Loans).

This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at post code sector level. For data released from 5 March 2015 onwards, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) have revised the completion...

NI 085 Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics, Chemistry and Maths)

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG...

NI 085 - Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics, Chemistry and Maths)

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England.

Organogram and staff pay data for the Renewable Fuel Agency

Organisation structure charts (organograms) for the Renewable Fuels Agency. Providing: 1. structure of the department/body down to directorate level 2. positions of all Senior Civil Servant...

Chief Officer responsibilities from Harrogate Borough Council

Chief Officer responsibilities from Harrogate Borough Council - includes information relating to Chief Officer budgetary responsibilities and Chief Officer job descriptions, salaries and...

Senior Management Team

This dataset contains details of the senior management team at Blaby District Council, including names, job titles, position within the organisation and contact details. It will be updated on an...

Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

Trafford Council - Senior Salaries

Details of renumeration, job title and responsibilities of senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000 and the number of employees whose renumeration is at least £50,000 in brackets of...

NI 195 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of litter detritus graffiti and fly-posting)

The indicator is reported as four parts, one for each element of environmental and street cleanliness: NI195 (a) Litter, (b) Detritus, (c) Graffiti, (d) Fly-posting.

Post Offices

Dataset showing Post Offices located with the Councils administrative area. Individual Post Offices are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...