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347 results found

Conservation Advice Package Status (England)

This dataset provides information on both terrestrial and marine protected sites across England, and the status of their Conservation packages, which are accessed via Designated Sites View. The...

Recycling and Recovery from Packaging 1999 to 2008

Recycling and Recovery from Packaging 1999 to 2008

CMS Data Package

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) launched the 32nd Offshore Licensing Round on 11th July 2019. This included 16 blocks covering 15 Carboniferous and Bunter Fields that have reached CoP in...

Total number of Adults receiving paid packages of care - (Snapshot)

Total number of Adults receiving paid packages of care - (Snapshot)

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging

Barnet Council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging

Adult Social Care - Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care

Discontinued in 2013/14 and replaced by the SALT (Short and Long Term Support) return this annual statutory return contains details of Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Adult Social...

People supported to live independently through social services PACKAGES OF CARE - (Snapshot)

People supported to live independently through social services PACKAGES OF CARE - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued.

Pollution Removal (2007 2011 2015 2030) GeoPackage

UK air pollution removal A GeoPackage (see that contains the spatial data used in this...

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system. Submitted 13 May 2019

Packaging Producer Public Register

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA363. Provides the 4 agencies registered producers. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2019. All...

Community Care Statistics: Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care for Adults

The Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care Project (RAP) was developed to provide a coherent set of National Statistics on adult community care. Community care is the process by which requests...

shinylight, a light-weight R package to create rich web applications (NERC Grant NE/T001518/1)

The code base for IsoplotR’s graphical user interface (GUI) and its core data processing algorithms are surgically separated from each other. The command-line functionality is grouped in a...

Pollution Removal (2007 2011 2015 2030) GeoPackage


DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Final Summary report: Work packages 1 - 4. BGS Report OR/17/002.

EPSRC project EP/K035878/1 - Report summarising scientific findings from Work Packages 1 to 4 of the DiSECCS project. These include advanced seismic methods for assessing pressure changes and fluid...

21CXRM Phase 2 East Shetland Platform Data Package

Integrated petroleum systems (PeST) studies and seep evaluations of the East Shetland Platform and SW Approaches area of the UKCS.  The studies were carried out as an industry collaboration as...

21CXRM Phase 2 Southwest of Britain Data Package

Integrated petroleum systems (PeST) studies and seep evaluations of the East Shetland Platform and SW Approaches area of the UKCS.  The studies were carried out as an industry collaboration as...

Ecosim outputs from Mediterranean model - used to look at potential impact of non-native species - Fizzyfish work package 2

Outputs from Bay of Calvi Ecosim model- used to look at potential impact of non-native species. Biomasses of organisms at the start of simulations and those after 100 years, assuming different...

Ecosim outputs from Mediterranean model - used to look at potential impact of non-native species - Fizzyfish work package 2

Outputs from Bay of Calvi Ecosim model- used to look at potential impact of non-native species. Biomasses of organisms at the start of simulations and those after 100 years, assuming different...

DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Work Package 5 - Insights and Recommendations.. BGS Report OR/17/022.

EPSRC project EP/K035878/1 - DiSECCS research has focussed on developing advanced seismic monitoring tools and combining these with social science research to identify key factors in establishing...

DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Work Package 5 - Seismic Analysis Toolbox. BGS Report OR/17/013.

Report summarising the contents of the seismic analysis toolbox produced during the DiSECCS project. The toolbox comprises an online library of seismic software developed and utilised in the...