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930 results found

Applicant level data for primary admissions rounds

This dataset contains details of all applicants in past primary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting primary or infant school in Reception for the...

Market Rasen Primary Shopping Area (2023)

Polygon dataset showing the Market Rasen Primary Shopping Area

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding - numbers

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding - numbers

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Inadequate - numbers

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Inadequate - numbers

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good - numbers

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good - numbers

Primary School Absence in Barnet 2014-15

Report summarising Barnet's trend in attendance, with information by school

School Census - Primary Schools

School Census Information - Primary Schools

Primary Care Workforce Survey

Results of the Primary Care Workforce Survey of Scottish General Practices. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Primary ITT Music Materials

Selected materials from the 2 week ITT primary music modules developed and delivered by 21 ITT providers

Highland Council Primary Schools

Highland Council Area Primary Schools. This dataset is maintained by the Care & Learning Service. Schools are not removed from the dataset - but the status is updated in the case of Mothballed...

Aberdeen Primary School Catchments

Boundaries of Primary School catchment areas in Aberdeen. (Non-Denominational)

School Census - Post Primary

Data in regard to pupils attending post primary schools in Northern Ireland

Aberdeen Primary School Catchments

Boundaries of Primary School catchment areas in Aberdeen. (Non-Denominational)

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: chronic conditions usually managed in primary care

Emergency admissions to hospital for chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes) usually managed in primary care settings Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: acute conditions usually managed in primary care

The number of finished and unfinished continuous inpatient spells (CIPS) for patients of all ages with an emergency method of admission and with any of the following primary diagnoses - Ear, nose...

NI 194 - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

NI 049b - Number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties (excluding precautionary checks) - Total fatalities

The indicator assists by measuring the incidence of fire and related casualties, and is therefore a means by which individuals and communities can assess the fire safety support provided by their...

Number of pupils on roll at primary and secondary schools by year

Number of pupils on roll at primary and secondary schools by year

Number of Pupils on Roll in Primary schools by Year Group

Number of pupils on roll by year group in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only available...