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589 results found

Barnet Top Ups 2425 - With hours

West Shetland Shelf Area rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...

Top Hole - Bottom Hole Straight Line Connection (BNG)


Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates Project: High-Resolution Chemistry Model data for the Amazon basin.

The Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates project ran a unique high resolution model for the Amazon basin, able to simulate isoprene...

Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates Project: High-Resolution Chemistry Model data for the Amazon basin.

The Quantifying the Amazon Isoprene Budget: Reconciling Top-down versus Bottom-up Emission Estimates project ran a unique high resolution model for the Amazon basin, able to simulate isoprene...

Solan Bank to Fair Isle Channel Area rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir - extended abstract for 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain

The data consists of an extended abstract submitted to 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The abstract describes work carried-out...

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir - poster presented at 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain

The data consists of a poster presented at 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The poster describes work carried-out on behalf of...

Shallow Gas Offshore Netherlands - The Role of Faulting and Implications for CO2 Storage - extended abstract 4th International Conference on Fault and Top seal

The data consists of an extended abstract submitted to 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The abstract describes work carried-out...

Shallow Gas Offshore Netherlands - The Role of Faulting and Implications for CO2 Storage - poster at 4th International Conference on Fault and Top Seals

The data consists of a poster presented at 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The abstract describes work carried-out on behalf of...

Approaches to the Firth of Forth and Wee Bankie to Gourdon Areas rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...

Evidence for the top-down control of lava domes on magma ascent dynamics. (NERC Grant ref NE/L002574/1)

Data output from the numerical flow modelling in GRL manuscript ""Evidence for the top-down control of lava domes on magma ascent dynamics"", by Marsden, L., Neuberg, J. & Thomas, M., all of...

Magnetic time series for Differential Magnetometer site Toppesfield (TOP) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Magnetic time-series from the BGS SWIGS differential magnetometer method (DMM) systems. Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 "Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)". These data...

Environmental conditions, ozone concentration, biomass and leaf level functional trait data for 10 tropical tree species grown across a range of ozone concentrations within nine Open Top Chambers, Cairns, Australia

This dataset contains measurements of ozone (O3) concentrations, and environmental conditions experienced by tropical tree species grown in a series of experiments using Open Top Chambers (OTC’s)...

Exploration and Appraisal Wells

Well Data Release : Exploration and Appraisal Well Results 1st January 2018 - 18th November 2024 Under the provisions of regulation 8 of the Disclosure Regulations the NSTA may disclose certain...

Directgov Referring Sites

This dataset provides the information on Directgov monthly top referring sites.

Wycombe organisation chart

Council organisation chart covering staff in the top three levels of the organisation.

Set-aside mitigation

Farmer testing of the introduction of changes to cross-compliance (including top-ups)

Organisation chart

Details of posts in the top three levels of North Somerset Council organisation

LSOA (2011) to SICBL to Integrated Care Boards to LAD (July 2022) Lookup in EN

This is a lookup file between 2011 Lower layer Super Output Areas, Sub Integrated Care Board Locations, Integrated Care Boards and Local Authority Districts in England as at 1st July 2022.   (File...