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HPI: Government expenditure on local environments

Health Poverty Index - Intervening Factors: Local government expenditure per capita to produce healthy local and home environments (excluding any social security spend) Source: Department of...

NI 013 - Migrants English language skills and knowledge

Migrants can be considered as having made positive steps towards resettlement or integration when they are empowered to gain employment, contribute to the local and national economy and to make...


This report shows international travel undertaken by DECC Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking systems. This...

BIS Senior Officials travel: Quarterly Return

This report shows international travel undertaken by BIS Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

Department for International Development senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by [department] Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking systems....


NI Water's 2017 Annual Information Return submission to NIAUR regarding NON FINANCIAL MEASURES- SECURITY OF SUPPLY INDEX - PLANNED LEVEL OF SERVICE

Smart Debit

Third party levy payment services. Services to collect direct debit payments on behalf of TPR in respect of levy fees payable by occupational pension schemes. Direct Debit Account & Sort...

MAGIC Marine Protected Area Features

Please note: This data is displayed publicly for viewing purposes only on MAGIC, but is not available for download. This dataset contains a collation of marine habitat and species biotope records...

Stockton on Tees Borough Council Listed Buildings

Listing helps us acknowledge and understand our shared history. It marks and celebrates a building's special architectural and historic interest, and also brings it under the consideration of the...

Northern Ireland Benefits Statistics Summary

The NI Benefit Statistics Summary is produced each quarterly. The Summary provides an up to date and concise overview of the main benefits administered by the Social Security Agency: Jobseeker’s...

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England and Wales

This bulletin is an annual publication that summarises information about people subject to a restriction order (restricted patients) admitted to, detained in, or discharged from psychiatric...

NI 147 - Care leavers in suitable accommodation

Former care leavers who are in suitable accommodation. Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status . Suitable...

MOD: senior officials' domestic and international travel and expenses

Data on senior officials' domestic and international travel and expenses. This report shows domestic and international travel and expenses undertaken by MOD senior officials. The report includes...

HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards report

Forum to Oversee the Implementation of new HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards: annual reports The Review of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards ran from 2005 to...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

Organogram for National Employment Savings Trust

A list of Senior Management posts in the National Employment Savings Trust including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts are...

Third Order and Higher Rivers Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

This Third Order and Higher Rivers dataset shows all third order and higher rivers located in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which...

Fault Seal controls on aquifer CO2 storage capacity UKCCSRC – Third and final annual report project update

The data consists of a short project update for the 2015/16 annual report and the final report for the project. The update describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2...

Ministry of Justice senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Ministry of Justice Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking...

International Travel Data for DWP SCS 2 and above staff Qtr 2 2013-14

This report shows international travel undertaken by the Department of Work and Pensions' Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’...