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Children Order Statistical Bulletin

This statistical bulletin presents information on children's social care in Northern Ireland, for the year ending 31 March. It is based on annual Children Order statistical returns completed by...

Adoption of Looked After Children, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents summary information on children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. It is based on the biennial adoption survey (AD1) completed...

Domiciliary Care Services for Adults, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents information on the number of clients receiving domiciliary care services from the statutory and independent sectors during a survey week. It provides information...

Disclosure and Barring Service: performance of all police forces

Performance data response rate for the Disclosure & Barring Service checks for all police forces from April 2006.

At sea densities of Mediterranean gull during all seasons

Krigged density surfaces for Mediterranean gull, over the whole year. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

One Way Streets

One way streets in the City of Nottingham.

One Way Streets

one way streets

One Stop Shops

A list of One Stop Shops in Warwickshire, including contact details

NNDR Write-Ons

NNDR Write-ons

NNDR write ons

Accounts where a "write on" has been used to cancel an overpayment which has not been reversed.

One O'Clock Clubs

shows the location of childrens services in lambeth

ONS Output Areas

Simple GeoJSON files for the MSOAs and LSOAs that are part of The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. They have been derived from...

Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System Third Update Bulletin

The Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitorting System comprises a basket of indicators to assess area differences in mortality, morbidity, utilisation of and access to health and social care...

Northern Ireland General Practice Patient Survey

This survey was developed in collaboration with the four UK Health departments, BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) and NHS Employers organisation. The results of the survey will be used to...

Children Order Statistical Trends

Following consultation with and having considered the feedback received from users’, Community Information Branch plan to combine ‘CHILDREN ORDER STATISTICAL TABLES’ and ‘’CHILDREN ORDER...

Children Order Statistical Tables

Following consultation with and having considered the feedback received from users’, Community Information Branch plan to combine ‘CHILDREN ORDER STATISTICAL TABLES’ and ‘’CHILDREN ORDER...

Performance Indicators : Crime and Community Safety

Key Performance Indicators related to Crime and Community Safety

Injuries at work by employment status

Injuries to employees, self employed and members of the public as reported to all enforcing authorities, by county and Local Authority Source: Health and; Safety Executive (HSE) Publisher: Health...

NI 121 - Mortality from all circulatory diseases at ages under 75

Directly age standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population for coronary heart disease and stroke and related conditions (circulatory disease) at ages under 75 years Source: Department of...

NI 122b - Mortality from all cancers at ages under 75 - Male

Directly age standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population for cancer (all malignant neoplasms) at all ages under 75 years