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940 results found

Parliamentary Business Database

Details of ministerial, official and Freedom of Information correspondence. External person name, SPVA case officer and remarks.

Finance Skills Certificate (FSC) Database

Personal details of all holders of the FSC, and is the authoritative record of all certification issued, including unique identifier.

Joint Nature Conservation Committee sponsorship - appointments

Personal information in relation to public appointments and to the appointment of the chief exeutive of Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

Urban Congestion Statistics

Summary statistics on congestion in 10 urban areas in England. Includes average journey person times per mile.

ID Card Database

A database of personal information of RN personnel engaged with maritime youth organisations (Sea cadets, Sea Scouts etc).

Stakeholder Lists

List of people and groups with an interest in the OGP and possibly attending the 2013 OGP annual summit. Contains Personal Information.

Departmental Contacts

A list of Senior Officials and Practitioners who work on the transparency agenda within each department. Contains personal information.

Subject Access Requests

Database containing details of Subject Access Requests for personal information made by pension age customers and disability claims customers.

CCR and CCLF (Legal aid billing for Crown Court Cases)

Billing system for Crown Court cases containing personal and financial details of claimant and providers.(contracted providers of legal services)

Naval Service Incident Notification (Acc

Fleet Surface Ships and Submarines. Personal injury details used to comply with legislation and provide adhoc reports to senior management

Faststream and Talent Management Spreadsheet

Details of individuals currently in the Fast Stream programme: Personal Details include: Names, Job Titles Allowance Information and Salary

Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Supplementary Tables: Nature of burglary, vehicle-related theft, bicycle theft, other household theft, personal and other theft, vandalism and violent crime

The tables are based on the findings from BCS interviews conducted in the 2009/10 financial year and give a picture of the nature of burglary, vehicle-related theft and violent crime. They also...

ArmyInformation Asset Register

Register of all Army Personal Information Assets. Register includes contact details of all registered DPA governance role holders.

DCLG Data4NR: Court proceedings and cautions

Persons found guilty of all offences at magistrates' courts by police force area, sex, age and type of offence. Data4NR reference.

Peterborough Percent of older person's placements more expensive for LAs than basic contract

Dataset detailing Percentage of older person’s placements funded by the LA subject to a higher price than the basic spot contract bed prices.

Population Estimates of Persons Aged 85 and Over (Northern Ireland)

Detailed estimates of the numbers of people aged 85 and over, by sex and age. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: National Statistics Language:...

National Measurement System' Working Group personal details database

Private contact details of Working Group members

NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by household composition

NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by household composition. Census Area Statistics Table CAS044 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA),...

Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) by sex and living arrangements

Population broken down by age, gender and whether living in a couple or not. Data is counted for the household head only. Census Area Statistics Table CAS005 Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...