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215 results found

Planning Applications (DEPRECATED) - Scotland

'Development management' is the name given to the process of deciding planning applications and various other associated activities including enforcement of planning controls. For the purposes of...

Demersal stereo-Baited Remote Underwater Videos collected around the north west coast of St. Lucia in 2019

As part of the Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (CMEP) Cefas conducted a demersal stereo-Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) survey of the western side of the island from Soufriere Bay...

An overview of best-fitting: Building 2021 Census estimates from output areas (OAs)

Best-fitting is the method used to produce estimates for any output geography, by aggregating statistical building blocks, even where these may be nested within a higher geography. It is the method...

RATE Lo-RISE Marine Workstream (NERC Grant NE/L000202/1)

Data collected as part of the NERC funded Radioactivity and the Environment (RATE), Long-lived Radionuclides in the Surface Environment (Lo-RISE), research consortium.This data comes from the...

Seismic locations and sections database

The Seismic Locations and Sections database (LOCSEC) stores digitised seismic reflection survey location and line-interpretation data. Supplementary data stored includes map projection information...

Geomechanical and discrete fracture networks in Thomas et al. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (NERC Grant NE/L000660/1)

Data supporting 'Effective permeability tensors of three-dimensional numerically grown geomechanical discrete fracture networks with evolving geometry and mechanical apertures', submitted to the...

Weekly volume of water pumped for handpumps monitored with Smart Handpump technology, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grants NE/L001950/1, NE/M008894/1)

This dataset contains a summary of the weekly volumetric output of pumps monitored using Smart Handpump sensors for 2014 and 2015. Grants that permitted the data collection include: Groundwater...

Corinth Rift, Greece Fault Location and Activity Rate data (NERC Grant NE/R016550/1)

The data are derived from interpretation of seismic reflection profiles within the offshore Corinth Rift, Greece (the Gulf of Corinth) integrated with IODP scientific ocean drilling borehole data...

National Bedrock Fence Diagram of Great Britain (GB3D_v2012)

In 2011 the British Geological Survey (BGS) decided to begin the assembly of a National Geological Model (NGM) from its existing and on-going geological framework models , comprising integrated...

Images and laser ablation ICPMS data for Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides from Cabo Ortegal, northern Spain (NERC Grant NE/P017312/1)

Samples are dunites, harzburgites and pyroxenites with variable proportions of chromite from the Cabo Ortegal collection of the late Prof Hazel Prichard, that is held at Cardiff University. Data...

Focus on London - Health

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**HEALTH**:CHILDREN**AND**YOUNG**PEOPLE** The health and wellbeing of London’s children and young people is fundamental to the health of the city. The recent Marmot...

Neptune Coastline Campaign: Land Use 2014

2014 Coastal Land Use Data.  Digital survey of aerial imagery and desktop mapping software.  Carried out by the University of Leicester.  Project...

National Joint Registry Annual Report 2022

The National Joint Registry (NJR) for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Guernsey, collects information on hip, knee, ankle, elbow and shoulder joint replacement surgery and...

National Joint Registry Annual Report 2021

The National Joint Registry (NJR) for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Guernsey, collects information on hip, knee, ankle, elbow and shoulder joint replacement surgery and...

National Joint Registry Annual Report 2019

The National Joint Registry (NJR) for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Guernsey, collects information on hip, knee, ankle, elbow and shoulder joint replacement surgery and...

Ant colour data from an experiment in Malaysian Borneo, 2015-2018

This dataset measures colour and estimates body size of ant species collected across four vertical strata: subterranean, ground, understory and canopy in lowland tropical rainforest. Ants were...

Map based index (GeoIndex) gravity anomalies

This low-resolution image has been produced from BGS land and marine gravity data. The colour was generated using the BGS COLMAP software package. Colour levels are defined by histogram...

Daily handpump accelerometer data and borehole water level data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

(I) Handpump Vibration Data For each handpump, data is organized in one CSV file per day. These files are grouped together over batches, where each batch approximately corresponds to three months....

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Fault seal controls on storage capacity

Fault risk remains a key parameter in evaluating the potential for trapping CO2 in the subsurface, yet very little is known about the conditions under which CO2 and CO2/hydrocarbon mixtures are...

UKCCSRC 2020: Electrical Capacitance Tomography and Temperature profiles data for the experiment of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture with tomography analysis at The University of Chester 2020

A dataset is presented for defining real-time CO2 frost formation in a vertical packed column. ECT could estimate the internal permittivity distribution of the sensing area through boundary...