The Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 came into force in October 2017, and are regulated and enforced by Local Authorities.
The main objective of the Regulations is to ensure the provision of clean, safe drinking water and to deliver significant health benefits to those using private water supplies.
The DWQR has an independent role in verifying that the Regulations are complied with and also reports on compliance with the Regulations to the European Commission. Local Authorities are required to maintain a register of every private water supply to premises in its area.
This is a dataset containing the locations of Private Water Supply Sources in Scotland. This dataset has been provided to the Drinking Water Quality Regulator (DWQR) by Local Authorities, who are responsible for keeping a register of the location of sources for Private Water Supply Systems in their area. The DWQR cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this dataset. The dataset should be used with caution, as the locations can often be approximate, outdated, or wrong. The dataset is also not complete. There are additional Private Water Supply Systems, for which no location data has been provided to the DWQR. You are strongly advised to contact the Local Authorities themselves to get accurate and complete Private Water Supply System location data, if this information is to be used for any further decision making.