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National Bowel Cancer Audit 2017National Bowel Cancer Audit - 2017 Open Data Tables

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Cancer Alliance/Trust Code Cancer Alliance/Trust Name No. cases reported to the Audit No. cases identified in HES/PEDW Case ascertainment (%) Patients with complete pre-treatment staging (%)* Patients with recorded performance status (%) No. cases having major surgery according to the Audit Data completeness for patients having major surgery (%) Patients having major surgery recorded as ASA 1 (%) Patients having major surgery recorded as ASA 2 (%) Patients having major surgery recorded as ASA 3 (%) Patients having major surgery recorded as ASA 4/5 (%) Patients having major surgery with no ASA recorded (%) Number of patients reported to the audit Seen by clinical nurse specialist (%) Curative Major Resection Treatment Pathway (%) Too Little Treatment Pathway (%) Non-Curative Major Resection Treatment Pathway (%) Too Much/Too Frail Treatment Pathways (%) Not Known/Other Treatment Pathway (%) No. patients having major surgery Patients with distant metastases at time of surgery (%) Major surgery carried out as urgent or emergency (%) Median number of lymph nodes excised Proportion of patients with recorded number of lymph nodes (%) Proportion cases >=12 nodes (%) Laparoscopic surgery attempted (%) No. patients included in risk adjusted length of stay Risk adjusted length of stay >5 days (%) No. patients having major surgery Observed 90-day mortality (%) Adjusted 90-day mortality (%) No. patients having major surgery linked to HES/PEDW Observed 30-day unplanned readmission rate (%) Adjusted 30-day unplanned readmission rate (%) No. patients having major resection 1 Apr 13 - 31 Mar 14 Observed 2-year mortality (%, per person-2-years) Adjusted 2-year mortality (%, per person-2-years) Number of patients with rectal cancer undergoing major surgery Positive margins reported (%) Records missing status of margins (%) APER rate (%) Number of patients diagnosed with rectal cancer Jan-Dec 2015 undergoing major surgery Short or long course Pre-operative radiotherapy (%) Number of patients in HES/PEDW 18-month stoma estimate Observed 18-month stoma rate using HES/PEDW (%) Adjusted 18-month stoma rate using HES/PEDW (%)
A09 North East and Cumbria 1785 1865 96 76 83 1155 91 11 51 32 3 3 1785 93 61 3 3 21 12 1159 9 18 18 96 86 77 1018 64 1072 3.4 3.4 1018 11.5 11.3 1123 16.5 16.3 285 4 22 27 287 43 948 50 50
RLN City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust 167 187 89 71 100 92 67 13 55 27 4 0 167 76 52 2 4 22 21 92 19 16 16 73 83 92 85 71 87 3.4 3.2 85 15.3 15.7 83 23 25.6 17 0 35 18 24 42 114 58 59
RXP County Durham And Darlington NHS Foundation Trust 296 288 103 69 96 153 99 8 59 29 2 1 296 100 55 1 1 33 10 153 5 18 16 100 84 71 143 67 147 2 2.4 143 11.2 11.1 158 15.9 21.4 40 3 10 25 36 36 149 54 55
RR7 Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust 161 157 103 53 19 98 90 14 50 31 5 0 161 99 59 3 5 18 15 98 14 18 18 100 84 86 96 67 96 5.2 4 96 16.7 16.4 76 18.6 20.5 24 4 4 21 24 58 58 47 46