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Additional information
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- Added to
- 2015-01-26
- Access contraints
- None.
- Harvest GUID
- 7b34e293-a08d-4195-b842-a40e7c181f49
- Extent
- Latitude: 51.573269670000002° to °
- Longitude: -0.095155750999999997° to -0.028400614000000001°
- Spatial reference system
- Dataset reference date
- 2014-01-27 (revision)
- Frequency of update
- Responsible party
- London Borough of Hackney (publisher)
- ISO 19139 resource type
- dataset
- Metadata language
- eng
- Source Metadata
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
Contact London Borough of Hackney regarding this dataset Freedom of information requests for this dataset
Licence information
Use of data subject to restrictions, inter alia: it is not permitted to store, reproduce, modify nor merge the data with other data not use it in any format whatsoever for commercial or business gains. For more details, please contact the publishers.