Road Safety Statistics
releases and guidance about the data collection.
Collision analysis tool for bespoke breakdowns of our data.
STATS19 R package developed independently of DfT, offering an alternative way to access this data for those familiar with the R language.
Latest data
Provisional data for the first 6 months of 2024 published 28 November 2024. These are provisional un-validated data.
Data included
These files provide detailed road safety data about the circumstances of personal injury road collisions in Great Britain from 1979, the types of vehicles involved and the consequential casualties. The statistics relate only to personal injury collisions on public roads that are reported to the police, and subsequently recorded, using the STATS19 collision reporting form. This data contains all the non-sensitive fields that can be made public. Sensitive data fields, for example contributory factors data, can be requested by completing the sensitive data form and contacting the road safety statistics team at
All the data variables are coded rather than containing textual strings. The lookup tables are available in the supporting documents section towards the bottom of the table. Data relating to the casualty and collision severity adjustment to account for changes in police reporting of severity is provided in separate files and can be joined using the appropriate record identifiers.
Timing of data release
Final annual data is released annually in late September following the publication of the annual reported road casualties Great Britain statistical publication. Individual years data is available for each of the last 5 years, with earlier years available as part of a single download.
In addition, un-validated provisional mid-year data (covering January to June) is released at end November, to provide more up to date information
Data revisions
Except for the severity adjustments, data are not routinely revised those occasionally minor amendments to previous years can be made. Details of recent revisions are available, together with a request for any feedback on the approach to revising the data. The files published here represent the latest data.