This data is based on the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Statistical Data Return (SDR).
It provides a list of Private Registered Providers (including registered social landlords, housing associations, almshouses etc) who own and manage homes in the Cambridge housing sub-region and Peterborough.
The 2013-14 data includes a simple yes/no as to whether providers own general needs, supported housing, housing for older people and low cost homes ownership housing.
The 2014-15 and 2015-16 data includes the number of homes owned and managed under the same four headings.
The 2016-17 data is provided in three sections: housing stock, rents, and affordable rents. These are the worksheets form the SDR which provide information by local authority area. The full SDR contains much more information, but not by local authority; just by housing provider. Each provider may own and manage homes in a number of local authorities.