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319 results found

Housing Commitments in Cambridgeshire 31/03/2016

Net Housing Commitments in Cambridgeshire 31/03/2016. Number of homes completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2015/16 according to annual monitoring reports, data gathered and...

Cambridgeshire Adult Learning Fund (CALF) 2010 - 2014 Breakdown of Course Categories

The total number of registered learners enrolled with Cambridgeshire Adult Learning Fund, broken down by course category between the academic years of 2010/2011 to 2014/2015.

Road Traffic Collisions: Location

Information on collisions across Cambridgeshire. Data includes location, number of people and vehicles involved, road surface, weather conditions and severity of any casualties. Data is currently...

Parking places

Dataset detailing parking places in Peterborough including effective data, type and whether charges apply.

2015-based Population Forecasts, 0-25 yrs by single year of age, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, 2016 to 2026

Cambridgeshire County Council's 2015-based population forecasts for the 0-25 years age group by single year of age, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, 2016 to 2026

Cambridgeshire Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2017

Amount of completed Retail floorspace (sq.m.) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17. Broken down into four development use classes; A1, A2, B1a and D2. Worksheet includes data by district,...

Adult Social Care and Older People Demographics March 2018

A variety of demographic insights about the service users supported by Adult Social Care and Older People teams in Cambridgeshire. Please note that this is an update on March 2016 data which can be...

Cambridgeshire Annual Cycle Counts 2018

This dataset summarises headline data for the Automatic Cycle Counters across Cambridgeshire in 2018.  It offers headline 7 day average for 24 hour counts for each site for each week in 2018 For...

Green Deal/ECO and home insulation levels in Great Britain statistics

This release presents statistics on the number of Green Deal assessments, and the number and type of energy efficiency measures installed; the release includes estimates of the number of homes with...

Greater Cambridge ANPR Data: Trip Chain Reports

This dataset provides Trip Chain Reports derived from the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera traffic survey undertaken across the Cambridge area from 10th to 17th June 2017. The aim...

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2016) full clipped, generalised boundaries in England. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to 20 metres) and clipped. You can find further...

Learning Disability Service Users

Data showing where Cambridgeshire County Council funds services for adults with a learning disability by ward

Peterborough City Council - Contracts Register

Dataset containing details of contracts between Peterborough City Council and external suppliers for goods and services.

Cambridgeshire Adult Learning Fund (CALF) 2010 - 2014 Ethnicity Breakdown of Learners

The total number of registered learners enrolled with Cambridgeshire Adult Learning Fund, broken down by learner ethnicities and course location for the academic years of 2010/2011 to 2014/2015.

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Energy Efficiency Rating

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Energy Efficiency Rating The release covers certificates lodged between 2008 and Q4, 2015, and breaks the data down for each...

Older People in Care Homes

Data showing where Cambridgeshire County Council funds residential and nursing care for older people in Care Homes by Ward

Workplace Zones (December 2011)

Workplace Zones were designed to supplement output areas and super output areas. They contain consistent numbers of workers based on where they live. More ONS 2011 Boundaries can be found...

Economic Deprivation Index

The Economic Deprivation Index (EDI) is a measure of deprivation which is produced at Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level and is made up of two domains: Income and Employment. The EDI was...

Classification of Workplace Zones for England and Wales (COWZ-EW)

The Classification of Workplace Zones for England and Wales (COWZ-EW) is a geodemographic classification of the characteristics of Workplace Zones (WZs), based on data from the 2011 Census of...

Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2002-2016

Town centre uses completions by district and use class in Cambridgeshire 2002-2016. Shows Retail (A1), B1a (Office), A2 (Professional and Financial Services) and D2 (Leisure). Amount of floorspace...