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Inspection Selection spreadsheets

Details of the inspections selected and criteria for selection

OS Select+Build

OS Select+Build is our new download service that gives you access to OS National Geographic Database (NGD) data. With OS Select+Build you can select and download only the data you need from a...

Tests for Multiple Drugs with Complex Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

Development of screening tests for multiple drugs with complex Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

Selected household characteristics (2001 Census)

A multiple deprivation measure from the 2001 census: all households and whether they are deprived on any of four dimensions or household characteristics. Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

Register of Selective Licences for Beeston and Harehills

This shortened online register shows if a landlord has been issued with a Selective Licence for his/her property and the expiry date of the licence. New licence applications will not appear on the...

Ikon Reports for OGA-selected wells

This delivery contains a subset of wells from Ikon Science's regional Roknowledge studies which are within some of the areas currently open as part of the 30th Licencing Round. The wells have been...

Ikon Reports for NSTA-selected wells

This delivery contains a subset of wells from Ikon Science's regional Roknowledge studies which were within some of the areas open as part of the 30th Licencing Round. The wells have been selected...

Trends in populations of selected species (wild birds)

UK wild bird populations is now available from here: Trends in populations of selected species (wild birds)

Trends in populations of selected bat species: 1990 - 2010

Trends in populations of selected bat species

Concentrations of dissolved metals in selected estuaries: 1991-2004

Concentrations of dissolved metals in selected estuaries: 1991-2004

Risk of Flooding from Surface Water - Complex Bundle

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been retired. It has been superseded by: This dataset is not suitable for identifying...

Carbon Storage Complex (WGS84)

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...

Carbon Storage Complex (ETRS89)

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...

Carbon Storage Complex (ED50)

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a number of techniques and processes which capture carbon dioxide emissions, generally from industrial processes. The carbon dioxide (CO2) can then be...

North East nephrops gear selectivity 2004/05 - Fisheries Science Partnership

An investigation into the potential for improving the selectivity for whitefish in the North Sea Nephrops fishery using a cut-away headline trawl. The main objectives were to obtain selectivity...

River water quality: Annual average concentrations of selected determinands

This series is an amalgamation of all the river water quality data sets previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information about selected nutrients, heavy metals and other...

Trends in populations of selected butterfly species - England

These statistics on widespread butterflies on farmland and in woodland in England, contribute to a suite of indicators due to be updated later this year (Biodiversity 2020 indicators for England);...

North Sea Bass Gillnet Selectivity 2008/09 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To assess the selective properties of gill nets (over a range of mesh sizes) in an emergent bass fishery in the central and Southern North Sea and to evaluate the survival rates of discarded bass...

Statistics of completed selection exercises and recommendations for judicial appointment showing diversity

Published by the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) - Half-yearly publication presenting the progress of candidates through the selection process for judicial office broken down by gender,...

Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre

Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre data. The Town centre boundaries used are from the 2016 Town Centre Health Check. > [This dataset is included in the...