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Account Deletion and Leavers Records

Data pertaining to employees IT accounts i.e. names, asset number…..

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Information Technology Particular Needs

Data pertaining to specialist IT equipment supplied to Cafcass employees that constitutes a reasonable adjustment

Long-term multisite Scots pine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes and phenotypes for marker-trait association analysis

This dataset contains data pertaining to the phenotypes (height and budburst) and genotypes (via SNP array) for a subset of trees from a long term multi-site Scots pine experimental trial. Full...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Mobile Usage

Data pertaining to use of mobile phone and broadband devices by employees and internet usage by employees.

Plant Health Database

Microsoft Access database holding data 2010-date pertaining to sites investigated or under investigation for various diseases

Councillors' Details

The dataset showing the contact details of the Councillors in Lincolnshire is no longer published on this site but a link is provided below which shows the same information. For any enquiries...

GPS Employee details

GPS staff details, grades, employment length, salary, address etc

Members - Contact details

A dataset containing the contact details for all Barnet councillors

Vendor Details (Masterdata)

Vendor Details (Masterdata) including name, address, Bank account, contact names, VAT number etc

Warwickshire Schools (Detail)

Detailed information on Warwickshire Schools, including Headteacher, email address, starting age, leaving age, governance.

Geochemical and petrological data pertaining to the eruptive deposits of 1883 caldera-forming eruption of Krakatau (NERC grants NE/L002612/1, NE/N014286/1, NE/T002026/1)

Geochemical data has been collected on samples from new exposures of the 1883 deposits, revealed by the 2018 tsunamigenic flank collapse of Anak Krakatau, which provides improved stratigraphic...

Offshore Environmental Inspectorate Investigation Tracking Spreadsheet

Excel spreadsheet containing information pertaining to investigations undertaken by the Offshore Environmental Inspectorate team relating to incidents occuring within the UKCS Offshore Oil &...

Customer Details Government Mail

Customer details including collection/delivery addresses /contractual info

Driver Details Government Mail

Driver phone and home address next of Kin details

Customer Detail Regional Plus

Customer details including collection/delivery addresses/ contractual info (ceased operations 27/04/12)

Theory Test payment details

Payment details for Theory Test specifically Credit Card and the validation of the card.


GGVS is an application to register all vehicle Information and the production of legal certification pertaining to the inspection of dangerous goods vehicles and private vehicles over 3.5 tonne.

Commercial and industrial waste arisings

A new single record created on DGUK for commercial and industrial waste arisings - to amalgamate all resources on that particular subject area and to maintain data pertaining to unique temporal...

Gateshead mine water heat living laboratory

This data is a collection of data from sensors deployed as part of the Gateshead Living Lab, pertaining to mine water level, mine water chemistry, mine water temperature, pore water pressures and...

Simulated soil moisture data at different soil depths from lysimeter experiments in Ningbo, China [2017]

This data pertains to simulations carried for 90 days for a 100 cm deep lysimeter planted with rice plant in Ningbo, China. The diameter of the lysimeter was 80 cm. The boundary conditions for the...