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820 results found

Residents' Surveys LATEST

Page provides links to the latest analysis of Camden Residents' Surveys.

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Newport to Clacton and Adjacent Waters

The Newport-Clacton Historic Seascape Characterisation (HSC) Project forms part of the second round of implementation of a national HSC methodology to the England's coastal and marine zones. The...

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Newport to Clacton and Adjacent Waters

The Newport-Clacton Historic Seascape Characterisation (HSC) Project forms part of the second round of implementation of a national HSC methodology to the England's coastal and marine zones. The...

Hospital admissions - Residents: Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Total

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area *This indicator is discontinued

Travel by Scottish residents

Journeys made by all members of the household (including children). Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Travel by Scottish...

Hospital admissions - Residents: 65+ Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: 65+ Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Male Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Male Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Female Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Female Total

Tenancy and residents groups

Registered tenancy and residents groups in Leeds. Please note  ------------ This dataset was produced as a one off for the city intelligence innovation lab. To find out about the lab click...

Hospital admissions - Residents: 0 - 17 Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: 0 - 17 Total

Hospital admissions - Residents:18 - 64 Total

Hospital admissions - Residents:18 - 64 Total

Headline Report Residents Survey Mar-15

Analysis of the results of the Residents' Survey Mar-15.

Headline Report Residents Survey Feb-14

Analysis of the results of the Residents' Survey Feb-14

Communal establishment residents (2001 Census)

Number of residents in communal establishments (defined as managed residential accommodation where there is full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation) Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

Bystander and Resident Exposure to Pesticides

Sampling during peak periods of pesticide use in locations adjacent to arable fields in support of determining risk of bystander and resident exposure to pesticides

Residence and Domicile Self Assessment (SA) pages

Datasets of all individuals completing the residency pages in Self Assessment for several years. Updated: annually.

Residence and Domicile Self Assessment (SA) pages

Datasets of all individuals completing the residency pages in Self Assessment for several years. Updated: annually.

TWBC Open Data - Resident Parking Zones

Resident Parking Zones

Hours worked: by place of residence

Hours worked - total - For all employee jobs by place of residence Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) Publisher: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Geographies: Local Authority...