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20 results found

Individual Music education hubs

Here you can find data on each of the Arts Council's Music education hubs. Information includes the address, name and type of every school within reach of a Music education hub.

Creative People and Places Awards

Creative people and places programme awards

Catalyst Endowment Adwards

Hard commitments awarded offer match funding to arts organisations with a successful track record of fundraising to help them build endowments that provide an annual income.

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Catalyst: capacity building and match funding scheme awards

Catalyst capacity building and match funding awards

Arts Council England Junior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Arts Council England Junior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Arts Council England Senior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Arts Council England Senior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Expenditure data for Arts Council England

List of items of spend over 25k

National Council Expenses

Information regarding our national Council's expenses

Grants for the Arts Awards - Arts Council England

Hard commitments awarded to successful grant applicants. Dataset includes unique reference number, name of recipient, project name, amount awarded, date of award, region, local authority,...

Arts Council England Staff Data

Information on Senior and Junior posts and salary bands

National Portfolio Organisations annual submission

All NPO organisations submit annual submissions every year in June which collects information about their activity. Each area is scored one of the following: met – outstanding, met – strong, met,...

Arts Council England Junior and Senior Staff Data Set

Information on Senior and Junior posts and salary bands

Arts Council England Senior Staff Salary Disclosure

Senior salary disclosure

Organogram for Arts Council England 2013

A list of most Senior posts in the Arts Council including title and salary range. Vacant posts are listed as "Vacant", and posts where the jobholder is not disclosed are listed as "N/D".

Executive Board Expenses for Arts Council England

Information on Executive Board expenses

Music Education hubs

Music Education Hubs awards

Arts Council National Portfolio Organisations Awards

Hard commitments awarded to National Portfolio Organisations for funding offered for 2012-15

Music Education Hub Data Return

The return consists of information to be collected by all hub lead organisations for the previous academic year, as a condition of their grant agreement with Arts Council England.

Unsuccessful applicant data for all Arts Council funding streams

Information relating to unsuccessful applicant data for all funding steams available from Arts Council England