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171 results found

FSA internal foodweb intranet usage

The usage of the Food Standards Agency intranet foodweb. This includes page views and visits from November 2016 to January 2017.

Social media search stream data

The FSA Communications team tracked online and social data streams for pre-determined search topics, to capture data sets.

Annual media evaluation

An evaluation of all media work carried out for 2016.

Information Management and Security Incident Logs

Information Management and Security Incident Logs (does not contain Cyber Incidents).

Information Management Awareness Raising Log

This log records the internal awareness raising activities carried out by the Information Management and Security team at the FSA. The data includes a brief description of the awareness raising...

Food Hygiene Ratings website pages

A breakdown of the Food Hygiene Ratings top pages showing page views and unique page views.

Information Management and Security Team Enquiry Log

This dataset is an abridged version of the Information Management and Security Team enquiry log. The log is used to record, track and report on all of the enquiries received by this team at the...

Report a food problem service - User satisfaction

A breakdown showing user satisfaction for the Report a food problem service.

GPC spend over £500 in Food Standards Agency

A monthly-updated list of all GPC transactions spending over £500 made by Food Standards Agency, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

FSA Successful Prosecutions

Details of successful food hygiene/food safety and animal welfare/cattle identification/animal by products prosecutions, including fine amounts awarded, undertaken by Food Standards Agency.

FSA Headcount

FSA Employees headcount (full headcount and full time equivalents) by organisation structure, gender and grade.

Report a food problem service - Completion rate and cost per transaction

A breakdown showing completion rates and cost per transactions for the Report a food problem service.

Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences Issued

Number of Slaughter Licences and Certificates of Competence issued by year. Please note that Welfare Legislation changed in 2014 in Wales and 2015 in England which removed the issue of Slaughter...

Suspension and Revocation Reasons for Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences

Number of instances and reasons for suspension or revocation of Slaughter Licences or Certificates of Competence by year

Number of Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences Revoked or Suspended

Number of Slaughter Licences and Certificates of Competence that have been suspended or revoked by year

Primary Authority Inspection Plans

A list of the number of Primary Authority Inspection Plans that the FSA has commented on. includes timescales and names of the Primary Authorities

FCI/CCIR - IRIS conditions - Other species

A list of post-mortem rejection conditions in species other than cattle, poultry, pigs and sheep & goats, agreed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in partnership with the Agriculture and...

Product Recalls and Withdrawals

If there is a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold, then it might be 'withdrawn' (taken off the shelves) or 'recalled' (when customers are asked to return the product). The...

FSA Core Tables Administration Budget

Core Tables as required by FReM detailing the FSA’s Administration Budget

FSA Core Tables Total Departmental Spending

Core Tables as required by FReM detailing the FSA’s Total Departmental Spending over the period 2012/13 to 2019/20