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19 results found

HS2 Property Consultation 2014

High Speed 2 Property Consultation 2014 GIS Data

Phase 2 – Safeguarding

Phase Two safeguarding GIS data

HR Records

Personnel, salary, and organisation information

Governance Records

Agendas, minutes and materials for HS2 Governance Bodies

Finance Records

General corporate financial data

Bill Documents

Specific versions of outputs from engineering design, environmental, property etc and porcesses created for bill purposes

Survey Data

Data collected to inform the design and environmental mitigation

HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route consultation

GIS shapefile data presenting the July 2013 consultation alignments, stations and depots for the proposed HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route between the West Midlands and the East Midlands,...

Engineering Design Data

Phase 1 and phase 2 engineering design information

Route data

Shape files of current route proposals including alignment and design speed of route

Economic Modelling

Econonmic modelling reports and associated documentation and spreadsheets

HS2 Phase Two: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester

HS2 Phase 2b: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Crewe to Manchester The data provided here relates to information and/or engineering design published during the Development Phase of High Speed...

HS2 General Vesting Declarations

The High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017 and the High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Act 2021 afford the Secretary of State for Transport the powers of compulsory acquisition of...

London-West Midlands Environmental Statement (November 2013)

The data provided here relates to information and/or engineering design described within the HS2 London-West Midlands Environmental Statement deposited in Parliament as part of the hybrid Bill...

Phase 2a West Midlands to Crewe

Phase 2a West Midlands to Crewe GIS data The data provided here relates to information and/or engineering design described within the High Speed Rail (West Midlands to Crewe) Environmental...

HS2 Injunctions

Extent of land contained within the High Court imposed injunction to restrain unlawful trespass on and obstruction of access to land on the route of the HS2 Scheme. A website URL is included to...

HS2 Ecological Survey Data

The data provided here relates to ecological survey data that has been collected since 2012 as part of the environmental statement, construction and delivery of HS2 Phase One (London to West...

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Environmental Monitoring Data

Monthly air quality and noise data sets for HS2 Phase One as required by the Phase One Code of Construction Practice. Data to be reviewed in conjunction with the relevant monthly air quality and...