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13 results found

Pendle Government Procurement Card Spend

The government recommends that local authorities publish all expenditure made on government procurement cards (GPC). (Please note, areas may be redacted as they may be commercially sensitive or...

Pendle Senior Salaries & Count

These are the details of the salaries of our staff which exceed £50,000 per annum. This data does not contain details of named employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more. This is because we...

Pendle Trade Union Facility TIme

This details the staff resources (in the form of union representatives) and spend related to Trade Union duties at Pendle Council. The 31/03/2014 dataset does not contain a spend estimate as this...

Pendle Fraud Investigation

Counter fraud activities in this context only include activities to prevent fraudulent claims against public sector or related organisations. It does not include activities to investigate or...

Pendle Land and Building Assets

This provides details of our current Asset Register in respect of land and buildings. The dataset will be updated approx. 6mths following the financial year end to coincide with our democratic...

Pendle Council Constitution

The Constitution sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of...

Pendle Organisation Information

This datasets provides details of all Pendle's organisation information in terms of: - our organisation chart; - our salary bandings; - details of the posts in the top 3 levels of the organisation.

Pendle Parking Information

This dataset details information about parking spaces and our parking account. The parking account includes all income from off street parking and enforcement activities. Expenditure includes...

Pendle Brownfield Land Register

Pendle Council's Brownfield Land Register published on 14th December 2017 in accordance with Regulation 3(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

Pendle Council Spending

The government recommends that local authorities publish expenditure over £500 and all expenditure made on purchasing cards. In line with our commitment to openness and transparency we will now be...

Pendle Procurement - Purchase Orders and Invitations to Quote over £5,000

This dataset contains all Pendle Council's Purchase Orders and Invitations to Quote over £5,000 from November 2014 onwards.

Pendle Procurement - Contract Register

This dataset details a list of the contracts currently in place at Pendle Council. As part of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014, we are required to publish our existing household waste...

Pendle Pay Multiple

Under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 Councils are encouraged to produce Pay Policy Statements which include their policy on pay dispersion, which is the relationship between remuneration of...