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165 results found

Physical Activity

Data showing the amount of people who take part in some sort of physical activity two or more times a week for at least 30 minutes. Data collected through the Health and Wellbeing Survey 2014

Lifetime Homes

Data showing the percentage of dwellings developed to Lifetime Homes standards in Plymouth

Football pitches

Data showing the usage of football pitches in Plymouth by organisation, as recorded in 2016.

Number of dwellings

Data showing the number of dwellings in Plymouth

Location of empty homes

Data showing postcodes and locations of empty homes

Physical environment

Data showing the breakdown of the Physical Environment Domain in Plymouth. This material is Crown Copyright. You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or...

HR Data

Plymouth City Council HR Data

Housing service requests

Data listing service requests from residents who are experiencing problems with their housing.

Joint Local Plan maps

Shapefiles showing the designated and commitment sites within the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP) area. CONSULTATION VERSION. These versions of the maps are as they were when...

Decided planning applications

Data showing information on planning applications in Plymouth

Unemployment statistics by age

This Data has been sourced from LG Inform Plus and shows the percentage in terms of age for unemployment in Plymouth.

Marine Laboratory

Data showing various data collected by Plymouth Marine Laboratory's E1 Data Buoy. The buoy is located about 20 miles south of Plymouth and collects data such as sea temperature, salinity and...

Housing waiting list

Data showing the number of households on the housing waiting list in Plymouth


This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID: 49. It pulls together a range of measures including employment, housing affordability and availability...

Housing types

Data showing housing types in Plymouth

Stalled planning sites

Details of the lapsed or stalled planning applications in Plymouth City Council. Data spans 2006 to 2016.

Housing benefit claims

Data showing the numbers of housing benefit claimants in Plymouth (numbers of households)

Planning performance

Data showing information on planning applications in Plymouth.

City plaques

Dataset showing details of historic plaques in the city including the location, names and links to interesting and historic information.

Economic Development

Statistics on the Economic Development Scorecard for Plymouth City Council for the year 2106. This data is available yearly.