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27 results found

South Lakeland District Council INSPIRE OGC WMS Service

South Lakeland District Council INSPIRE OGC WMS Service under the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - Inspire

Conservation Areas

Defined Conservations in South Lakeland District Council the limit of each Conservation Area is recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...

Public Toilets in South Lakeland

Public Toilet information for South Lakeland district area including any run by Town and Parish Councils and Kendal Courtesy Toilet Scheme. The dataset has been produced according to the Local...

SLDC Senior Salaries

This dataset provides information on Senior Salaries in South Lakeland District Council to meet the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requirements for Organisational Information. Also...

SLDC Trade Union Facility Time

SLDC Trade Union Facility Time. SLDC recognise Unison and GMB trade unions for negotiation and consultation purposes. Please note: SLDC does not have any trade union representatives who spend 50%...

SLDC Counter Fraud Work

South Lakeland District Council counter fraud work.

Procurement Schedule

Procurement opportunities expected for the next financial year.

Business Rates new liabilities

This dataset is now discontinued. As of September 2018, we are able to include date of liability/occupation in our Business Rates Full List and we will no longer be publishing a separate New...

Premises Licences in South Lakeland

Premises Licences in South Lakeland released as part of the open Data Incentive Scheme. includes Temporary event notices and Club premises certificates. Dataset is formatted to comply with the...

Flytipping in South Lakeland

Flytipping reported by year to the waste and recycling service since 2011, includes: number of incidences, cost of clean up, prosecutions per year.

Government Procurement Card Transactions

This dataset contains the details of every transaction on the Government Procurement Cards held by the council.

Procurement Information: Contracts Register

Procurement information including every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £5,000.

SLDC Planning Applications

Planning applications in South Lakeland released as part of the open Data Incentive Scheme. Please note these cover the South Lakeland District Council Planning area, not including the Lake...

South Lakeland Brownfield Land Register

The government require each local planning authority in England to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land suitable for housing. The purpose of the...

South Lakeland District Council Business Rates

Full list of non-domestic properties in South Lakeland, Business Rates list showing the rateable value, any reliefs, annual charge and the properties occupied status. As of September 2018, we are...

Grants paid to organisations

Grants paid to businesses, town and parish councils, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

SLDC Parking Account

This dataset contains an annual summary of the car parking account from South Lakeland District Council. Please note; figures published in April are interim figures and will be updated later in...

Travel and Subsistence Claims

South Lakeland District Council staff and councillor travel and subsistence claims. Published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

Payments to suppliers over £250

Spending by the council for goods and services over £250. From September 2014 this information meets the standards of the Local Government Transparency Code and includes credit notes.

Senior Management Organisation Chart

Senior Management Team structure chart, also appendix A of the Pay Policy Statement.