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13 results found

South Northamptonshire Council Brownfield Register

South Northamptonshire Council Brownfield Register as in T&C Planning 18(2) [Brownfield Land Register] regulation 2017

Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order is a written order made by a local planning authority (e.g. a borough, district or unitary council or a national park authority) which, in general, makes it an offence to...

Payments by South Northamptonshire Council - 2010

A monthly list of all payments for South Northamptonshire Council are shown in this document as part of its commitment to transaparency. Where payments to individuals have been made, the name of...

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas applyo an area (usually urban or the core of a village) considered worthy of preservation or enhancement because of its special architectural or historic interest.


Article 4 directions are used to control works that could threaten the character of an area of acknowledged importance, such as a conservation area.

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which Parliament has decided is in the public interest. Anyone who has...

Section 106

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in...

Air Quality Management Zone

Since December 1997 each local authority in the UK has been carrying out a review and assessment of air quality in their area. This involves measuring air pollution and trying to predict how it...


Hedgerow Retetion and Replacement notices affecting hedgerows which are 20 metres or more in length; which meet another hedgerow at each end; are on or adjoin land used for: agriculture, forestry,...


Allotments (or Community Gardens) are plots of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants

Non-designated Heritage Assets

Local planning authorities may identify non-designated heritage assets. These are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting...

Councillors' Allowances SNC

Councillors' Allowances 2006-2010

South Northamptonshire Council's Statement of Accounts

South Northamptonshire Council's Statement of Accounts