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632 results found

Children in Need with Open Involvements 2015-16

Data showing Children in Need who have social work involvement 2015-16 by Ward. A child is a Child in Need if they are unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development...

Metropolitan Police Service - Recorded Crime: Force-Level Summaries & Associated Data

Raw data on crime supplied by the Metropolitan Police Service and the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). Pan-London data includes: - Total Notifiable Offences - Total Victim-based crime...

Real Time and Juvenile Closures Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset provides the spatial extent of Real time closures (RTC) and Juvenile closures since April 2010. The purpose of RTCs are to ensure sufficient efforts are made to reduce cod mortality. ...

Fatal incident case management system (Prisons and Probation Ombudsmen)

Five tables are contained within this mastersheet which record: 1) Record of cases due and dates when final and draft reports are sent out and the date cases are sent to archive. 2) Details of the...

Prison population projections, England and Wales

The release (generally annual) gives the projected monthly prison population in England and Wales for the next six years. Sub-population (such as gender) estimates are presented alongside the...

PSNI Street Crime Data

This API is available at It contains crimes at street-level; either within a 1 mile radius of a single point, or within a custom area. The street-level crimes returned...

PLANET' Planning casework database

Data on the progress and status of planning casework, including the personal data of applicants

FSA Successful Prosecutions

Details of successful food hygiene/food safety and animal welfare/cattle identification/animal by products prosecutions, including fine amounts awarded, undertaken by Food Standards Agency.

Reconviction rates in Scotland

One and two year reconviction rates by offender type for offenders released from custody or starting a community sentence in 2005-06 and 2006-07. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation:...

Recorded Crime in Scotland

A detailed overview of crimes and offences recorded by the police over the past decade, for Scotland, police force areas and local authorities. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation:...

Metal theft England and Wales

This release covers offences involving metal theft recorded by police in England and Wales. Metal theft is not a crime defined by law, but is recorded by police under broader offence...

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Report

High Level Summary of Statistics Trends for Crime and Justice Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Scottish Crime and Justice...

Scottish Policing Performance Framework Annual Report

Compilation of the police performance indicators as collected by ACPOS. Provide comparative information between forces and from year to year, where the data is available. Source agency: Scottish...

Police related road traffic incidents

Fatalities arising from road traffic incidents (RTIs) involving police vehicles make up the largest single group of deaths following police contact and are therefore a significant proportion of...

Annual Fraud Indicator

The Annual Fraud Indicator (AFI) is a compendium of fraud loss indicators which strives to provide a best estimate of the scale of the problem and raise awareness. In line with Fighting Fraud...

Offender Management Caseload Statistics, England and Wales

The annual release covers the two main areas of offender management - probation and prison - in England and Wales. For those under probation service supervision, the main characteristics of...

Statistical Press Release

This statistical press release provides statistics for writs and originating summonses issued, cases disposed and orders made in respect of mortgages in the Chancery Division of the Northern...

Conditional Cautioning Data, Quarter 4 2013-2014

Data relating to the quarterly publication of statistics on Conditional Cautions administered by the Crown Prosecution Service, Quarter 4, 2013-2014

Summary Justice Reform Performance Report

This report contains a synopsis of summary criminal justice system performance against a range of key performance indicators for Summary Justice Reform Source agency: Scottish...

Tribunal Service quarterly statistics

Quarterly report on Tribunal performance statistics including volumetrics and performance indicators. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...