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5,073 results found

Map based index (GeoIndex) 1:10000 series paper geological map availability

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available 1:10000 or 1:10560 series paper geological maps. Since the 1960s the standard large scale map for recording geological...

Water isotope data from Yaal Chac (lake), nearby groundwater and local precipitation (NERC grant NE/K00610X/1)

Surface waters and shallow groundwater samples were collected by completely filling 30 mL polyethylene bottles, which were then sealed with electrical tape to minimise the risk of evaporative loss....

Map based index (GeoIndex) 1:50000 series paper geological map availability

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the availability of 1:50000 series paper geological maps. For England and Wales (and Northern Ireland), map sheets normally cover an area 30 km...

BIS economics paper no. 10a: manufacturing in the UK: an economic analysis of the sector

Underlying data and charts supporting the publication BIS Economics Paper no 10a: Manufacturing in the UK: an economic analysis of the sector [URN 10/1333]

QICS Paper: Passive acoustic quantification of gas fluxes during controlled gas release experiments

The detection and quantification of an underwater gas release are becoming increasingly important for oceanographic and industrial applications. Whilst the detection of each individual bubble...

Percentage of total amount of coated printing papers purchased, by percentage recycled content, October 2005 to September 2008

Percentage of total amount of coated printing papers purchased, by percentage recycled content, October 2005 to September 2008

BIS economics paper no. 11: economic consequences for the UK and the EU of completing the single market

Underlying data from BIS Economics Paper no.11 'The economic consequences for the UK and the EU of completing the Single Market' [URN 11/517].

QICS Paper: Marine baseline and monitoring strategies for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)

The QICS controlled release experiment demonstrates that leaks of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas can be detected by monitoring acoustic, geochemical and biological parameters within a given marine...

eAML2 Pig Movement System - monthly moves by type (paper or electronic) and average consignment size

PLEASE NOTE: As of 25th May 2023 this catalog/data-sets is no longer updated and has been Retired. Data reports on monthly pig movements by type (paper or electronic) and average consignment...

Quantitative and qualitative data relating to the inhibition of a phosphatase reaction by microcystin on a paper-based analytical device (PAD)

[This dataset is embargoed until October 28, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the development of a paper analytical device for the detection of the microcystin toxin. Water samples...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Carbon dioxide storage in the Captain Sandstone aquifer: determination of in situ stresses and fault-stability analysis

Peer reviewed paper published in the journal Petroleum Geoscience - the paper describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2 storage capacity in aquifers' project funded by...

Joule II Project Paper: Natural occurrences as analogues for the geological disposal of carbon dioxide

It is now generally accepted that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are contributing to the global rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. One possibility for reducing carbon dioxide emissions is to...

Surface charge and growth of sulphate and carbonate green rust in aqueous media, paper and associated data (NERC grant NE/I005862/1)

Paper, Surface charge and growth of sulphate and carbonate green rust in aqueous media, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and associated data. NERC grant: Re-inventing the planet: The Neoproterozoic...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Modelling the non-equilibrium two-phase flow during depressurisation of CO2 pipelines

This UKCCSRC (UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre) Call 1 project involved the development, testing and validation of a two-fluid transient flow model for simulating outflow following the...

QICS Paper: Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: Results from social science research

This paper explores the social dimensions of an experimental release of carbon dioxide (CO2) carried out in Ardmucknish Bay, Argyll, United Kingdom. The experiment, which aimed to understand...

QICS Paper: Modelling Large-Scale CO2 Leakages in the North Sea

A three dimensional hydrodynamic model with a coupled carbonate speciation sub-model is used to simulate large additions of CO2 into the North Sea, representing leakages at potential carbon...

Joule II Project Paper: Safety of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide

The risks associated with the transport and injection of carbon dioxide are reasonably well understood and already borne in the USA. There is a remote possibility that CO2 disposed of underground...

QICS Paper: Perceptions of sub-seabed carbon dioxide storage in Scotland and implications for policy: A qualitative study

The geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) offers notable potential, as part of larger carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) processes, to be a significant climate change mitigation...

Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction, Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. Papers and associated data (NERC Grant NE/I005935/1)

Data and associated papers. Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. NERC Grant Re-inventing the planet: The Neoproterozoic...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Operational flexibility options in power plants 1 with integrated post-combustion capture

Flexibility in power plants with amine based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture is identified in the literature as a way of improving power plant revenues. Despite the prior art, the value of flexibility...