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Regeneration areas

Leicester City Council has developed an Economic Action Plan for 2012 to 2020. The plan sets out an ambitious strategy for investment in the city?s economy until 2020. It outlines key actions where...

Covid-19 - Positive tests in the previous seven days

Coronavirus (Covid-19) positive tests in Leicester.

Estimated percent of children in households with income below 60% median before and after housing costs, by middle super output area. Leicester, 2017-18

The dataset contains details on Households with Children, in financial deprivation before housing costs (BHC) and after housing costs (AHC) by Middle Super output area.  This dataset paints a more...

MSOA Boundaries

MSOA boundaries for Leicester City Leicestershire and Rutland

Brownfield Register

Register of previously developed (brownfield) land within Leicester City.

Corporate CO2 emissions

Estimates of corporate carbon dioxide emissions for Leicester City Council.

Listed Buildings

A list of buildings or sites of special architectural or historic interest within Leicester.

Species point records from 1982 Leicester Polytechnic Shetland Oil Terminal approaches survey

Thirty permanent transects established in 1978 and 1979, were surveyed. Individual stations were permanently marked at 25cm vertical intervals. Abundance scales from the report have been adapted...

Habitat point records from 1982 Leicester Polytechnic Shetland Oil Terminal approaches survey

Thirty permanent transects established in 1978 and 1979, were surveyed. Individual stations were permanently marked at 25cm vertical intervals. Abundance scales from the report have been adapted...

UC Claimants By Ward By Month

Map and table of Universal Credit Claimants by Month and Ward covering the city of Leicester

CCTV Cameras

This provides details of CCTV cameras sited within Leicester City and other areas.

Covid-19 - Admissions to UHL

Daily hospital admissions to University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) of patients with Covid-19 

Flood Risk - register of structures and features

This dataset is a register of structures and features that are considered to have a significant effect on flooding in Leicester.

Blue Badges issued

Number of Blue Badges issues in Leicester City annually.The data will be updated quarterly.

Conservation Areas

Parts of Leicester which have been designated as conservation areas due to their special historic or architectural quality.

Public PCs - Locations

This dataset shows the location and availability of public PCs and LCC Customer Service PCs throughout the city of Leicester

ISA Sharing Register

This datasets contains a register of the Information Sharing Agreements (ISA) the Leicester City Council holds with other organisations.Leicester City Council only shares information with outside...

Blue Badges held

Number of Blue Badges on issue in Leicester City at the end of the calendar year.The data will be updated quarterly.

Article 4 Directions

Additional planning controls, introduced under Article 4 Directions, covering some areas and buildings within Leicester.

Procurement Card Transactions

This contains details of transactions that Leicester City Council makes using a Government Procurement Card.This data will be published quarterly.